Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It was the shrill sound of the phone ringing that startled Aisha from her sleep. Trying not to make any noise she walked to the kitchen where the house phone was hooked too. She picked up the receiver and answered.

"Hello?" she said her voice rough with sleep.

"Hello," said a very familiar masculine voice.

Aisha felt herself freeze up and lose her voice.

"I have heard you and the kids are doing is the old lady living with you doing?" the voice continued.

"Fine," Aisha found herself saying while her hands began to sweat.

"Good, I was only checking up on you all. I might be coming into town soon. I'll see you when I come," said the voice.

"Alright," replied Aisha.

"You're not even going to ask me how I am?" asked the voice in a mocking tone.

"How are you doing uncle?" said Aisha.

"Fine, I do hope you don't forget the manners your parents taught you," he replied.

Aisha didn't give a reply feeling the anger begin to simmer in her gut.

"Well...isn't this a pleasant conversation? I'll call again some other time when you're...more...present," he said before hanging up the phone.

Aisha slowly placed the receiver back in its place. A part of her wanted to call her uncle back and yell. Instead, she slid down against the wall and sat for a few minutes in silence. She knew it was about time he called and asked questions. Heck, she was surprised it took him so long. At least she had her life somewhat straightened out. She glanced at the clock to see the time. She had two more hours before Fajr. Who in their right mind calls someone at two in the morning for a conversation? 

Her crazy uncle, that's who.

She stood up and walked slowly back to her room. She already had enough on her plate. It was Musa's job to wake them up for sahoor. She had no reason to remain awake.

For a minute she had thought it was a Gabriel, but he hadn't bothered her for almost a week now. A lazy smile spread across her face. It was a blessed feeling not to be woken by him anymore. She snuggled deeper into her covers the smile still plastered on her face.


"Have a great day," yelled Aisha after Musa as he walked into the school building.

He raised his hand to signal he had heard her. She watched him until he went inside the building. She watched as another boy walked straight into him. A few other boys pushed him around as well. A part of her knew Misky would be late, not to mention she would be late as well, but she found herself getting out of the car. She opened the door and grabbed Misky as well.

"What's wrong?" Misky asked.

"I need to make sure of something," said Aisha in a reassuring voice.

She carried her in her arms and quickly walked into the building. She walked into the hallway trying to see if Musa was still around. But he wasn't. She turned and walked toward the main office.

"How can I help you?" asked the receptionist.

"Hi, who can I speak too if I want information about the safety of my child?" she asked.

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