Chapter 15

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Aisha was able to leave the house quietly, while everyone was still sleeping. Zainab and Maimoona had decided to stay over the weekend, so Aisha wasn't worried about the kids, plus they were off from school.  So, she could drive to work in peace, and most importantly on time. 

She hadn't been able to sleep well the night before, she had been tossing and turning thinking about what her meeting with Meredith would be like.

 She gently parked her car and walked into the building, not in any rush. She pressed the button for the elevator and glanced at her phone, remembering that she would have to face Gabriel again. The man continued to confuse her, he was hot and cold. His temperament and behavior flipping from one end of the spectrum to the other. 

She groaned as she recalled the last heated conversation they had. He knew she had insulted him five years ago on live radio.  

she had been young and out for blood that day she remembered. Shamsa had been annoying her, she had forced Aisha to listen to the radio interview because Shamsa at that time had a small crush on Gabriel. 

Her heart squeezed a little as she walked around setting things up for Gabriel and Sebastian. She had lost her sister, but now, she was working for the man her sister had once liked. 

~~~ Five years ago~~~

Aisha and her sister were stuck in traffic. And Aisha knew they would be late for the event, all because her older sister had to redo her makeup. Aisha glanced at her sister, who looked like she was ready for a photoshoot.

She was naturally tall and willowy, she had taken after their father's dusky complexion. She had a pair of obsidian-colored eyes, which were at the moment hidden behind her sunglasses. A cute gold ring adorned her pointy nose.

Her little sister, on the other hand, was slouched in her seat. Aisha had favored her mother's golden brown coloring and looked like the one with mixed blood. She was shorter than her sister and curvier. All her features resembled her mother, except when it came to her eyes. She had her fathers light brown eyes, that seemed to dance with hues of green. Her fingers tapped on her book impatiently, she chewed on her bottom lip in annoyance. She turned her face to her older sister, with a huff, she lifted her small slender hand to change the radio station.

"Don't you dare touch my radio Aisha" warned Shamsa, swatting her sisters hand away.

Aisha rolled her eyes.

"Come on, I can't stand this lady she annoys me" grumbled her Aisha slouching down on the passenger seat even more.

"She annoys me too. But do you have any idea who her guest is today?" squealed Shamsa with a wide smile. 

"Some stupid celebrity" sighed Aisha as she fixed her hijab.

"Nope, he's not stupid. He is not only hot and young but he is also smart. Did I mention that he is smoking hot," giggled Shamsa as she took her sunglasses off, to wink at her younger sister. That caused another eye roll from Aisha.

"If you say so," Aisha sighed going back to her book.

"Wait. Aren't you even going to ask who it is?" questioned Shamsa disbelief written on her face.

"I only care if it's someone interesting," replied Aisha.

"Like?" questioned her sister, giving her a curious look. 

Aisha sat still for a moment thinking about her answer.

"Well... someone like Bruno Mars I guess" she shrugged with a grin.

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