Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Aisha wasn't sure who was the first to blink and break the spell. However, she was the first to say something to break the awkwardness.

"You're too close," she found herself saying looking at his golden eyes that looked more innocent than she had ever seen before.

"Sorry," he said coughing once and taking a step away from her.

"We should probably head to the event," said Gabriel looking at anywhere but at Aisha.

She took a few minutes to settle her frantically beating heart before she rose to stand up.Her movement seemed to draw his eyes to her like a moth to a light. Uncertainty she fidgeted with her hands before taking a step closer to him. That seemed to draw a shaky breath from him.

"Lead the way...I don't know where it's being held," she said looking straight into his eyes.

He only gave a nod before stiffly turning away from her and walked in the direction of the event. Aisha silently followed after him. Was her outfit weird? She wondered silently to herself. She had been shocked, to say the least when she had found him leaning in so close to her. She couldn't figure out what was amiss, however, Gabriel wasn't acting like his usual self.

"Stay close to me...don't engage in too many conversations. I'll introduce you to whoever you need to know. Otherwise, avoid almost everyone else. Most of them are vultures circling and waiting for a weak spot they can attack," he lectured.

"I thought this was a charity event?" asked Aisha uncertainly. If she had been nervous before she was absolutely petrified now. She found herself chewing on her bottom lip in worry.

"Outwardly...." He paused causing Aisha to stop and look up to find him staring at her.

"What?" she asked pausing her walk.

"Don't look so nervous and out of place, you'll only make them ready to pounce. Just be your usual cold self," he said turning away from her.

Aisha stared at him in disbelief.

"Cold? Are you kidding me? Between you and I ...we both know that you're the colder one," she hissed walking faster to catch up to him.

"Sure I am," he said sarcastically and continued on his way coming to a door of the event.

"Who ever heard of a hotel owner going to other hotels for work," muttered Aisha under her breath.

"Excuse me?" thundered Gabriel whirling around to face her.

"Don't act like your usual self. Control your anger and try to act more human," said Aisha sweetly before she sidestepped him and made her way into the event handing the lady at the front her card.

Gabriel stared at her for a few second in shock. Aisha applauded herself silently for getting in the last word. She just had to watch her feet and make sure she didn't step on his toes for the rest of the night.

As she took in the view she was left for a moment speechless. It all seemed a bit over the top for her. It wasn't that she had never been to formal gatherings, she had gone to enough with a lawyer as a mother and well-known architect for a dad. Except in those she had melted into the background and hung out with the kids her age. After starting school she didn't really go to these kinds of events with her parents. 

it had been more of her sister's thing, to dress up, and pile on the makeup. She ran a hand down her sash trying to control her nerves. Even the dress she was wearing had been her older sisters. The length was a bit long for her smaller height but the heels were making up for it. She sighed in frustration when she felt Gabriel stand beside her.

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