Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Are you ok sweetheart?" said his mother walking into his room.

She didn't have a hint of makeup on her, her silky pink pajamas peeked from under Sebastian's long trench coat. She moved to his bed and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. She fussed around him a bit, fluffing his pillow and straightening his comforter before she took a step back to let his sister greet him.

"The doctor said you will be fine," she said trying to give him a sense of reassurance. She gently squeezed his hand and placed a kiss on his cheek.

A smile formed on his lips. Lucy wasn't one to try and worry anyone. For her, comfort was in the form of reassurance. Maybe it came from his mother's constant need to try and "fix" Lucy's blindness. Lucy was comfortable and felt assurance in her blindness. However, their mother blamed herself for the accident, though if anyone was to blame it was Lucy and Sebastian's dad.

"I know," said Gabriel placing a kiss of his own on her forehead. She was wearing one of his shirts and a pair of sweat pants. Her blond hair was up in a loose ponytail. Few of her curly strands were falling on her face, but that didn't seem to bother her.

"Grandma and Grandpa are coming with Uncle Ben, and Aunty Lemon," she said.

Gabriel let out a deep sigh and glanced at his mom who was pretending not to notice him.

"Mom..." he said in annoyance causing Lucy to smirk at his discomfort.

"What? I didn't do anything," she replied.

Gabriel opened his mouth but quickly shut it when an angry Sebastian came in.

"What did you do? I don't care if you're at death's door, I will happily push you in if you said something to Aisha. Especially, since you wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for her," thundered Sebastion marching up to the bed.

Their mother and sister froze.

"Whats going on?" asked their mother cautiously, her tone held a note of warning for both men.

And despite the fact that she was wearing pajamas and a coat that was twice her size, her voice was able to freeze both men. It was as if they were two five-year-olds again. They stared at her in silence each not wanting to be the first to speak. She looked at them her gentle demeanor gone. Her eyes were cold and questioning as she stared at them.

"I said, what is going on? Don't make me repeat myself," she warned.

"Mom...Aisha was here and...well..." Sebastian trailed off unable to finish.

She didn't say a word, instead, she trained her eyes on Gabriel who was desperately wishing he could go back to sleep.

"I didn't do anything," said Gabriel looking at his hands. He gently rubbed the spot where Aisha's tears had fallen.

Sebastian scoffed at this, making Gabriel give him a glare.

"Let me be the judge of whether you did something or not. All I asked was for someone to tell me what is going on. I think you understand, that it doesn't mean for you try and defend yourself. Rather, it's the time to tell the honest truth," replied their mother.

"All I remember was passing out at the hotel and waking up in this bed, there was a nurse in here...I woke to her and Aisha talking...apparently...the thing is," Gabriel paused unable to find the right words.

How did one go about trying to explain the death of a whole family? He closed his eyes remembering Aisha's whimpers.

"She hadn't been crying because of me...this hospital holds some sad memories," replied Gabriel quietly feeling a headache coming on.

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