Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Aisha walked into the room behind the happy little family. Zainab was the first one to make a beeline for the bathroom. The two little kids ran straight to the bedrooms. Yunus gave Aisha a gentle smile.

"This is truly a lovely surprise," he said walking over to grab a water bottle.

"It is, isn't it. Are you going to drink in front of a fasting person?" asked Aisha with a raised eyebrow.

"Allah excused me, I think you're big enough to handle it," he chuckled.

Aisha rolled her eyes and moved to the window.

"How have you been?" he asked casually giving her the space to answer if she wanted.

Yunus was someone Aisha always got along with. Their families had all be intertwined from a young age. She used to see him around a lot as a child, and though he and Zainab had never gotten along as kids. She hadn't minded him much. He was quiet and drawn to himself, and she had been the exact same way. Over the years a gentle friendship had existed, that only strengthened when he had married her cousin. They were no longer their younger selves, yet she still felt at ease around him.

"I'd rather not think about how I feel...don't tell Zainab I said that. You know she is going to try and psychoanalysis me. I'm alright," said Aisha giving him a smile.

"And you know someone isn't fine when they say their fine. Especially when their smile seems like the muscles in their mouth are in pain. Because they haven't been used lately," said Zainab moving away from the bathroom door and towards her younger cousin.

Aisha rolled her eyes with a huff, but she couldn't escape the strong hand of her cousin who held her in her place.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to force you to share your feelings...for now. How are the kids? How is aunty? And how is it working here?" she asked Propelling Aisha toward the couch.

Yunus gave Aisha a sympathetic smile before going toward his children, sensing it was time to give the two ladies some space. Yet, Aisha wished he wouldn't leave her with Zainab.

"How many questions are you asking me?" sighed Aisha leaning back on the couch and not making any eye contact with Zainab.

"What? I can't ask questions either?" huffed Zainab placing a hand on her belly.

"Of course, you can...that's not what I'm saying...everything has been good, Alhamdulillah. Work has been pretty stressful, preparing for Yunus..." replied Aisha with an eye roll.

"I can't believe you didn't think it was my Yunus," said Zainab sliding her hijab off her head, and letting out her ponytail.

"Your Yunus?" asked Aisha with a smirk.

"That man is mine, whether he likes it or not," replied Zainab with a shrug.

"Darling, You know I'm yours," said Yunus moving towards the bags to grab some clothes for the kids.

"I know," said Zainab giving her husband a fond look.

"There are other human beings here," said Aisha poking her cousin.

"Can't help it. When I get pregnant I get the urge to claim my...." She left her sentence hanging with a smirk making Aisha and Yunus laugh.

"Seriously, I would tattoo taken on his forehead if I could. Some people really irk me just a bit," said Zainab making her husband laugh some more.

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