Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

She knew it would be hard. She knew if she could, she would rather not.

Just disappear without a backward glance, she thought desperately. 

But she owed it to herself and him. She wasn't blind and after talking seriously with both Sebastian and Jasmine, who had found a common ground, she was sure it was the right thing to do.

Yet, as she looked up at the hotel her father designed and she had worked at for many months, saying goodbye wasn't a reality she wanted to face.


~A few days earlier~

"You told him?" asked Aisha as she took a seat across from Jasmine.

"Ya, it wasn't as dramatic as I thought it would be. Apparently he had figured it out a few weeks ago. He swears Gabriel said nothing. But anyway, he had wanted me to process it on my own," shrugs Jasmine.

"Wow... that was very thoughtful of him," replied Aisha letting her shoulders relax into the iron chair of the small Italian restaurant they had come too.

"So what now?" she asked curiously. 

Jasmine sighed pulling her long brown hair into a ponytail.

"Honestly I don't know. I didn't expect that he would be so ready to accept any and all my demands. I even said I would name the kids, just to see, and he just said I had every right," she huffed. 

Aisha smiled. 

"You were looking for more of a fight?" she asked. 

"No, But he forgot and you remember the way he had broken it off. How he had seen it all as just a one night fling...replaying that memory in my mind always makes me want to scrub my skin off. I felt so dirty so used," She sighed again clearly getting upset. 

"Relax, it's alright, your in a better place now," reassured Aisha. 

"I know, but I lost a lot in the process. All because of a single mistake...but these kids," she touched her belly gently with tears. 

"They don't deserve to be seen as a mistake," she said and Aisha listened not interrupting. 

"I just wish he is more of the villain I pictured in my mind all these's a horrible thing right?" she asked sadly. 

Aisha shook her head. 

"You were hurt and you have every right. You don't have to forgive him. Just because he wants to be a part of his children's lives, doesn't negate his past actions. And, maybe I think he knows that," Aisha said gently with a smile. 

"Now let's enjoy our meal,"

This was a farewell meal of sorts.

Jasmine had been the first one she had informed about her decision to leave. She had been upset at the idea of losing Aisha, but she was supportive.

"It's ok, it'll give me an excuse to come out to New York every month," she had said.

Informing Meredith and Lucy and Justine, on the other hand, had been hard. There had been a few tears shed and heartfelt promises about keeping in touch.

"Anyway, Alhamdulilah it's working out," said Aisha taking a bite of the breadstick and enjoying the outdoor breeze.

"Ya, not a big deal. The question is though, have you informed your bosses you aren't returning?" she asked curiously.

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