Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Are you nervous?" asked Meredith, glancing at Aisha.

They were waiting for their time to approach. Both sitting on a bench and near a wide window with the sun shining down on them.

Aisha shook her head. Removing imaginary lint from her rosy cardigan. The only pop of color, since she had opted for a beige hijab and plain beige dress.

"Good, don't be nervous or anxious. We have this in the bag. Your uncle is too prideful to know he doesn't have a chance at this," said Meredith, looking striking in her red engine suite. A bold red lip color and sleeked back bun completed her look.

"I think for a while I thought it all was my responsibility, but I'm realizing now I'm not in this alone. At least I don't have to be," said Aisha with a faint but genuine smile.

She realized, ever since her aunt, cousin, and uncle had come into town, she had been doing more of that lately.

Meredith nodded, clasping Aisha's hand gently.

"It's about time you realized that," she said.


~ a few days ago~

Aisha slid open the balcony door, poking her head out to stare at her older cousin snuggled into a corner with a blanket and a book.

"May I join you?" asked Aisha, holding a tray of lemonade and cookies.

Her older cousin grinned widely with an enthusiastic nod.

Aisha studied her cousin as she moved to place the tray on the floor and sat cross-legged on the floor. They were high enough that no one would see them without their hijabs on. A small perk that came with living in the upper floors of the apartments.

Her cousin quickly grabbed a cookie and a glass of lemonade. Her face took on a blissful look as she chewed and drank. Aisha leaned back, holding her cup in her hands gently, a small smile on her face.

"Do you like it?" she asked with a laugh.

"I have been on a no sugar diet for the past six months... let's just say I missed this," she laughed tossing her jet-black hair behind her shoulder.

Straight to Aisha's curls. Her skin pale next to Aisha's caramel one. Lean and willowy next to Aisha's curves. But their eyes were both the same shade. Both had inherited it from their fathers.

One had passed away, and the other was...

"Why? You look good," asked Aisha and shook her head to clear.

Her cousin shrugged her shoulders.

"I was stupidly trying to impress this guy... let's just say he wasn't interested," she replied grabbing another cookie.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Aisha awkwardly.

"Nah, I was being stupid. No man should come between you and sugar. If he does, he ain't worth it," she lectured.

"Mr. Darcy wouldn't do that to me," she sighed, hugging her Jane Austen book to her chest.

Aisha shook her head with a laugh.

"My mom used to say something like that," said Aisha with a smile looking at the clear sky.

Her mother had a sweet tooth like no other. Her father hated anything sweet, it made him sick. And yet, he would always indulge her sweet addiction in a healthy manner. 

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