Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The trial was fast approaching, and it was driving Aisha half-crazy with worry. Meredith had taken care of the paperwork, and they had completed a list of witnesses weeks ago. Her uncle would fly in since he was a witness. Which meant that he would leave his daughter Zainab earlier than he had planned. She felt slightly guilty in pulling him away from his new grandchildren. But he had brushed off her concern. Unbothered by the whole thing.

"Aisha?" came a deep voice.

Aisha visibly jumped, scattering the papers she held in her arms everywhere.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," said Gabriel, bending down to gather the papers.

"I'm sorry, I don't know where my mind is," sighed Aisha reaching to help him out.

She glanced at his crisp gray suit and the maroon tie that was slightly crooked. She stopped herself from reaching out to fix it.

"You're worried, and it's perfectly ok," he said, handing the nicely arranged papers back to her.

"Ya," Aisha replied, feeling unsure and disoriented.

"Why don't you go sit down," he said noticing the lost look in her eyes. He walked slowly in the direction of the small kitchen area.

Not thinking too much of it, Aisha made her way to her desk. A few minutes later he came back with a steaming mug.

"Some coffee for the nerves," he smiled, placing it in front of her. Noting the tired look in her eyes, and the slight gaunt look to her face. A part of him wanted to bundle her up in his arms and tuck her away from the world and its troubles.

"What are you? My secretary now," joked Aisha, taking the mug carefully into her hands.

"How may I be of help?" chuckled Gabriel taking the seat in front of her.

Aisha stared at him as she sipped, studying his face. That was another thing that was really confusing her, and she honestly didn't know what to make of it.

"What?" he asked, self-consciously fixing his hair.

Touching his curly locks that were tamed and smoothed into an elegant ponytail. She had never believed a man could make long hair look so good. She had noticed many times Sebastian eyeing it evilly. More than once he had referred to wanting to cut it. The fact he hadn't, was a testament to how much he feared Gabriel.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how far we have come since we first met," she said, taking another sip.

"Ya, I went from being a psycho to a somewhat decent human," chuckled Gabriel.

Aisha shook her head with a smile.

"You were a little difficult, but I wouldn't call you a psycho," she replied.

"You're just being nice now," he chided playfully.

The man in front of her was nothing like the man she had first met. The man who had made his sole purpose in life to torment her. How was that brooding, angry man, the same as this thoughtful, caring one in front of her?

"I don't want to pry... but may I ask what turned you against Muslim woman?" she asked, wanting to free her mind from the upcoming case.

Gabriel sighed, leaning back in his seat.

"It's not even that big of a deal," he said.

"I would still like to hear it all the same," said Aisha curiously.

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