The peaceful discussion~Skittles

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I once again walked in to a house where I heard Emma sobbing. School tends to be somewhat normal, but any other time is very far from it. Even though I wasn't very eager to join in the drama, weirdness or whatever, I still did. She was my sister after all. I headed to the living room where Emma,Harlie and Sky sat.

"So anyone going to tell me what's going on," I ask as I blow my bangs away from myeyes.

"Lime's being a bully,"Emma sobbed.

"What did she do?" I Asked, very concerned.

Emma pulled out a little note and handed to me. Harlie and Sky were quickly behind me and reading the note as I did.

Dear Emma

Go back to where ever you came from you monster though no one would like you there either

Love Lime

"What a moron, she didn't even use punctuation," Harlie murmured.

"Yep," I nodded.

"So are we gonna go beat her up or what?" Sky asked.

"We will have a peaceful discussion with her. Emma you should stay here," Isuggested.

"I was planning to,"she nodded.

"So no chance of punching her?" Sky asked.

"Well we'll see,"Harlie smiled.

With Magnus's help we found out she was still at school doing volley ball. We also figured out she'd be done at five thirty. So we'd meet her then.

She left the building at five thirty five. We were sitting on the bench , but got up as we saw her.  We walked over to her where smiled like we were old friends that she had missed. I really didn't like her.

"Hey, guys, what's up?"she asked nonchalantly.

"Don't what's up, us,"Sky glared at her.

"Are you guys mad about something?" she asked innocently.

"You gave that note toEmma," I said angrily.

"What note?" she asked pretending to be confused.

I showed it to her.

"Oh, that note. It was a joke," she laughed.

"Sure it was," Sky growled.

"Guys hold me back,"Sky mumbled.

Harlie held her back.

"Let me at her!!" Sky shouted.

"Okay," Harlie lether go.

"No you're not actually supposed to," Sky muttered.

At that second Sky spun around from facing Harlie to facing Lime. Once facing Lime she punched her right in the face. The eye to be more specific.

"Ow!" she shouted.

"Now leave us all alone including Emma!" Sky shouted.

"Fine," she ran home.

"Well I think but it wasn't very peaceful," I laughed quietly.

"Girls you are in loads of trouble!" the volley ball coach shouted at us.

"Told you no violence,"I murmured under my breath.

"Well let's think of the future not the past," Sky smiled.

"The past causes the future," I stated.

"Oh whatever," Sky mumbled.

"What's our punishment?" Harlie asked.

"Two weeks detention and picking up garbage," he stated.

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