Chips: Window

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There was an open window 8 feet in the air so we couldn't reach it at all. "I'll circle the building and try to find another way in" Jordan says walking away. We sat and waited for 10 minutes. "This is boring" harlie whines. She starts to pick me up. "Wait- harlie!" I shriek. Harlie lifts me up on her shoulders. I realize that I could see into the window. I peek through it. "Harlie!" I gasp. "What?" "It's sparrow and Emma" I choke. She quickly puts me down. "What did you see?" She asks. "I- they were laying on tables, strapped drown, a-and they were missing there heads" I sob.

Harlie stares at me in shock. She looked like she was going to cry. I might have took this to far. "Harlie, wait, I'm just kidding" I smile nervously. "Wha-" she stares at me. "It was just an empty room, I didn't see sparrow and Emma, it was a prank" I say. "Why would you prank me?" She asks shocked. "Remember when we were in the realms and you scared me and I said I'd get you back, well I did" I say. "That wasn't funny" she says. "Well you scaring me wasn't funny, but you still laughed" I say. Jordan arrives just in time. "There is no other windows, or entrances open except this one." He says. "Ok, well boost me up to the window, I don't trust harlie right now." I state. He boosts me up and I climb through the window. The room was pitch black, and empty, well at least I thought it was empty. I trip over a table thing. I find a light switch and turn it on. It was an empty room except for the table thing, which had wheels on the bottom of it. I'm pretty sure we were in a hiding secret building, but I have no idea. I pull harlie up, and we were able to get Jordan up too. Jordan heads to the door and slowly opens it.

Done! Skittles might be mad at me.

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