Chips: cake face

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Wha! I... You, what?!

Whatever, I will ignore the fact that my heart is racing from the last two chapters, and write this one.


I didn't bother to wipe the tears from my face. My face wasn't the worst of my problems. Harlie was dead, then she was alive. I sodded and hugged her. "He shot you.. I" that was all I could say to keep from crying again. The thought of losing harlie terrified me. She was my best friend, and my sister. I couldn't live without her. We all sat in the hall for what seemed like forever, then we went to our homeS. Our parents asked us where we were and we said something about being at a friends house, and being sorry we worried them. I guess they didn't notice the blood all over harlie's shirt, And how we were all traumatized.
I couldn't stop shaking. She was gone for almost an hour! That was more then enough time to imagine a future without her in it. And it didn't look very good. What if she did die? What would we say to her parents? 'I'm sorry, your daughter died but we can't tell you where, how or why?'

I call everyone into my room for a meeting. "Look, the rule is, we have to all stick together. We don't want a repeat of what just happened" I say. No one argues with me. "Also, mom wanted to talk to all of us" I state.

We all head downstairs. Lucy and Sam are already sitting on the couch with mom and dad. I can't believe they only officially adopted me a few months ago. "I wanted to talk to you guys about Emma and sparrow." Mom states. We all wait in anticipation. Wondering if it will be good or bad news. "We've decided to take you under our care in till we or the government can find your parents." She says to sparrow and Emma.

"That might be difficult" sparrow whispers to me, no one else heard her. I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Now since adding two new children to our family may be challenging, I need everyone to help out a bit more, and for sky and harlie to maybe get jobs." We all nod in agreement with her. I was fine with getting a job, and I'm sure so was harlie. harlie changed her shirt, so it looks a lot less like she got shot. Her hair is still messy and going everywhere, so was my hair, obviously from the effect of everything that happened. She was wide eyed just like everyone else.
Sparrow and Emma had small bruises on there shoulders, probably from a needle or something, but I didn't feel brave enough to ask right now.


I was so happy that we officially had guardians. I wish I was able to get a job, but I guess I am only fourteen. I felt so much older then that. And sparrow is only twelve. I don't feel like I'm older then her. She just seems so responsible and smart, it hard to believe that she's two years younger then me. Sky and harlie are like big sisters to me. I feel so much safer when they are around.

We go to school on Monday, even though none of us wanted to.

My first block was foods, sparrows was math, and sky and harlie had art, sky and harlie were in all the same classes, thanks to there mother, but I was alone. I haven't meet anyone that wanted to be my friend yet. I guess I come on a little too strong. I searched desperately for a partner in cooking, we were making cupcakes. Someone finally agreed to be partners with me, but she seemed a little shy. I decided to stay quiet. Her name was Maddie. I calmly introduced myself as Emma, and we went on to making our cupcakes. At the end Maddie questioned why I wasn't eating any. I couldn't think of a reason. She assumed that I was a vegan, I have no idea what that was so I said I just wasn't hungry.

I had PE the next block. I keep on falling down and getting hit in the head with a ball.

We all meet up near the cafeteria for lunch. I gave sky and harlie the cupcakes I made and they were happy to take them. "So we got to draw a cool spider web thing in art class and then some jerk dumped paint all over mine on purpose" sky said, ticked off. Harlie nods. "Sky was so mad, she yelled at him, and he said he made it more beautiful so she punched him in the face" harlie laughs. "Now I have to pick up an extra week of garbage" sky sighed. "Oh yeah, I forgot we still have to pick up garbage for one more week." Sparrow says.

We sit down at a empty bench. We usually eat outside, but it was very chilly today. It was fall and the orange and red leaves fell everywhere. Sky said it would probably snow soon. Sparrow and I have never seen snow, so I was very excited to hear about it. Harlie says its beautiful and sparkly. And sky said it was cold and dark. Despite there extremely different descriptions they both seem to really like snow.

River comes by and shoves a handful of cake in sky's face and hair. "What is this?!" She shrieks. Trying to wipe cake out of her eyes. "Vanilla Cake" he grins. She eats the food off her face. "I will not kill you if you bring me more cake" she says quietly "Deal" he smiles and gives her a huge chunk of cake in a container, I guess food can neutralize sky's anger. I'll try and remember that. Sky gobbles the cake down. "Here, give this to your girlfriend" sky says, handing the empty container to sparrow. "She's not my girlfriend" sparrow says blushing. "Sure, and I don't like cake" sky says licking the last of the icing off her fingers. "Also, tell her that this cake is awesome" sky smiles, cake still all over her face.

I walked with sky on our way to our classes. She swung her binder in her hand while she walked. River swooped past her and pulled the binder out of her arms. He ran and she chased after him. Luckily for sky he couldn't use his power without people noticing so she quickly caught up to him. He was able to hold her back (luckily for him) and she wasn't able to reach her binder. "Say please" he grins. "Never" she says trying to reach the binder. He was a lot taller then sky, and pretty tall for his age. He held the book above her head. Sky knew she couldn't reach it so she stood there glaring at him. "Give my binder back" she hisses. "Say please" he smiles. "Fine, can I please have my binder back" she says. He hands her the binder back, and she runs off to class. I haven't seen sky give up so easily, but she probably just didn't want to punch him because he was so much younger. he just recently turned twelve. I wonder how sparrow hasn't killed him if he is that annoying, since they are in the same class.

"You know you still have cake all over your face?" Sparrow says to sky as we pick up the garbage around the school. "Oh, So that was why everyone was looking at me funny." She laughs. "Sky almost killed river" I state. "Hey, but I didn't kill him, so I think I deserve a lollipop" sky states. Harlie reaches into her bag and hands sky a round piece of hard candy on a stick. "Why did she almost kill river?" Sparrow questions. "He was being annoying" I state. "As usual" sky says. Her tongue blue from the lollipop. Sparrow looked confused. "Isn't he annoying in your class?" Harlie asks. "No, he usually is really nice and kind. He is social but not annoying and rude" sparrow explains. "Well, maybe he just hates me" sky states. "Maybe" sparrow says doubtfully.

We split up so we can pick up more garbage. Sparrow and I are on one side of the school. And sky and harlie are on the other side. "Hmm." Sparrow hums, in thought. "What's up?" I ask. "Well, I don't think river is being a bully to sky, since he gave her cake, and a bully would never give her binder back, but... he is teasing her, which is sometimes a sign that a guy has a crush on a girl...." Sparrow mumbles. "So.. River has a crush on sky?" I question. "Maybe... I'm not sure.. it's not like there really close friends, and just making fun of each other, She barely knows him. If he's just teasing her and doesn't even really know her, and he doesn't do that to anyone else......." She sighs. "It would be different if he teased everyone he meet.. But he doesn't." "Hmm. So maybe?" I ask "I don't know, I could be wrong. We should talk to harlie about this, and she can ask the family some questions" sparrow looks worn out. We all do. "Cool" I grin.

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