Chips: Spider river

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warning, there are a lot of pov changes, so get ready for that.


Lily knows, if she could just tell the others- no, that won't work. I need to do this on my own. 'You won't defeat me' Edwards voice rings through her head. Maybe he's right- no! I have to fight him.

Emma's pov

Harlie, sparrow, sky, Edward and I sat down for breakfast. I scarfed down her... what was it called? Real- seal? No wait, it's called cereal, right.. sky was sitting across from me, she had a pained look, on her face and started to shake, then her eyes shot wide open, with a scared expression on her face, then her face all the sudden went back to her cheerful state. What was up with her?

Sky's pov

Ugh, I had control for a second!  Edward turns and smirks at her. He's really good at multitasking I guess, since he's able to possessing my body, and managing his at the same time. But he does seem to disappear for long periods of time.

Possessed sky's pov (Edward)

I stumbled out the door, to the bus, tripping on the stairs. It was very difficult getting used to sky's clumsy body. 'How did you even get used to this?' I ask her, wobbling in my seat. I could literally never sit still. 'Well, I have spent my whole life practicing.' She say annoyed. Whatever, miss moody teenager will just have to except the fact that she doesn't get a body anymore.

School was very difficult, who knew that most of the stuff learned in school never applied to a wizard, who could just make money poof up from thin air. "Look, sky, I don't know why you're being like this, but it isn't funny." The teacher scolds. We apparently went over something a bazillion times, but I wasn't there so how could I know!

" look, I just don't know, ok!" I shout, tears randomly flowing out of my eyes. Darn girly hormones. I didn't want to cry stupid body! 'Stop it, you're making me look stupid' sky whines. 'Well, you didn't prepare me for the test' I argue back. She seems to have ignored me. Good, she finally shuts up.

Well, despite all the negatives of this plan, the plan will work.. I just need to do this faster.

I spot River in the fields at lunch time. 'Isn't that your boyfriend?' I ask sky. 'No it isn't!!!' She yells. 'Well, let's change that.' I laugh, walking up to the bare foot boy.

"Hey river." I say sweetly. He flinches at my voice, I laugh. "Uh, hey sky." He said, trying to look cool. "River, I've tried to hide it, but I have to except it." I start. "Except what?" He asked nervously. "That I love you." I say kissing his cheek. He face turns red, and I run off.

'Well, that was fun' I laugh. Sky says a lot of words that her mother would frown upon. I grined even wider, knowing a certain boy saw the whole thing.

Jordan's pov

I'm gonna to kill him. I am definitely going to kill him. I march over to river, he looked over at me. "Hey Jordan."  He smiles. Yep, I'm going to kill him. I loomed over him, trying to keep in my anger. "Why did sky just kiss you?" I grumble out. "Because she loves me." He grins. I lost it. I reached out to grab him but he quickly ran away. He knew I liked sky, and yet he does this? I chase after him. He runs up the schools wall. I stop to catch my breath. There's no way I can reach him now. He like freaking Spider-Man! I am going to kill him!

I see aurora run up to me. She places a delicate hand on my shoulder. "I can tell you're angry" she says in a hushed voice. I for some reason immediately calm down. Maybe river isn't so bad..... Wait she isn't- ugh! I break out of her trance and push her away. She was controlling my mind! Ugh, I should have know rivers twin could not be trusted! "Jordan-" she starts in a begging voice. "Save it." I grumble, storming off. One things for sure. River is going to pay.

(Ohh!! Drama!!! :p)

Ok, so this book will probably end in a few chapters. I will write a couple more, then skittles and I will write the big finale chapter!

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