Chapter 27- Revelations

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I had orderen 4 pizzas, 2 Ham and Cheese and the other 2 were Four Seasons, my personal favourite. I took the precious pizzas to my room and pulled out my laptop, turning it on and going to netflix, where I started and finished Game of Thrones season 5 and started watching the first season of The Originals, which was like Vampire Diaries, but better.

Before I knew it, the sun was shining through my windows and I had dark bags under my eyes and was surrounded by empty pizza boxes.

But hey, I finished season 1!!

'You have school today, with Mr Lanis! Yey!'

I thought sarcastically, attempting encouraging myself to get out of bed and jump- more like crawl, into the shower, which I did, after about 45 minutes of procrastination.

After my 20 minute shower, I got dressed in a simple white v neck I had bought on a garage sale when I moved to some unknown town in my lonely running days because my previous address had been burned to the ground by one of my brother's crazy exs, as well and some jeans and my beat up white converse, cursing my mate for still not returning my adorable leather jacket.

I managed to tidy my entire room in about an hour before I had to go school, grabbing a bag of cheetos on my way out.

I walked to school in a slower and dreadful pace, almost flinching when I saw the big white building in the distance. It took me around half an hour to get to school, due to my absolute lack of motivation and sleep.

I guess my aura today was radiating negativity because unlike most days, people didn't stare at me or greeted me like they use to, maybe because of the permanent glare that had set itself upon my face. I wouldn't consider myself one of the 'popular girls' because I didn't had a ton of friends or went partying every Friday but considering that I was the Alpha's mate (yes, because in this town there's no such thing as a secret) and had managed to piss off two of the most popular people in this school as well as a well known teacher on the first week, I think I was noticed by a few. Besides, I got along with the top ranks of the pack, so it was normal that people recognised me.

It was nice to be recognised, but sometimes it wasn't nice to be recognised because of other people, like when people called me 'The Alpha's mate'. It made me absolutely insane when people did that, not insane like yelling and shouting at your face, more like giving you a glare that would make hell freeze over . I'm my own person, not someone's mate. I'm me.

"Hey Grumpy Pants!" My cousin's cheerful voice greeted too closely and too loudly for my sleep deprived self, making me flinch, but I didn't took my eyes off the end of the hall, where the door to my class was.

"Hello Caroline." I said with a yawn, slowly and painfully.

She giggled at my behavior and laced her arm with mine, basically draghing me to my class. She was a year below me, but our class were near each other on this period, therefore she knew of all my episodes with Mr Lanis, and would always ask me how the class had went with an amused smile on her face, hopping for an amusing answer.

We were halfway through the hallway when a hand grabbed my upper arm and pulled me back, causing Caroline to stop suddenly and snap her head to the culprit, receiving a groan from me went I saw his face.

"April wait." He said with a pleading voice, making me feel almost guilty for being so harsh on his the day before- almost.

I bit on my lip and tried not to comfort him for his eyes were reflecting a suprising amount of sadness, one that made my heard ache at the sight of him. I was mad at him amd he could have been a total dick, but he was my mate and I still loved him.

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