Chapter 4

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Time skip: the next morning

Dan's PoV

I woke up, cuddling Elenor. She was still asleep, adorable. I looked up, Phil was awake and looking at the two of us with a smile. I sat up a little.
I felt Elenor stir in my arms.
"What do I do?!" I mouthed to him.
"Nothing." He mouthed back.
"I'll go make pancakes."
Classic Phil. How would pancakes help the situation?
I settled back down, wrapping my arms around the sleeping Elenor, making the most of the situation. I really hoped that she wouldn't find it invasive of her privacy.

I smelled the pancakes cooking, and so did Elenor. She woke up.
"Pancakes?! Do i smell pancakes?"
"Yup." I chuckled.
Elenor then noticed the position we were in. She giggled nervously. I carefully unwrapped my arms. Elenor shivered a little.
"Are you cold?" I asked quickly.
"A little." She answered.
I thought then reached behind her for the blanket that Phil had been lying on. I wrapped it around her.
"Thanks." Elenor said. She then hooked it up over her head and tried to put on an ET accent.
"ET phone home! ET phone home!"
I laughed, then stopped. She was very pretty.

Elenor's PoV

Dan was staring at me. I smiled and he looked away. He was so cute like that. Things were getting a little awkward.
"Lets go and eat some pancakes?" I suggested. Dan nodded and we crawled out of the fort.
"Hi Phil." I said, gripping the blanket to keep it from falling down my shoulders. Phil yelped, then dropped the pan on his foot with an "Ow!"
I rushed over to him.
"Are you ok?" I asked, half laughing, half concerned.
"I'll live." He smiled.
"If you're sure." I said, placing a hand on Phil's shoulder. Dan flinched.

"I better try another pancake." Phil said.
"Let's sit down." offered Dan. He pulled out a chair for me to sit in. I smiled thankfully and sat down.
"Thanks for letting me stay the night by the way guys." I said.
"No problem." smiled Dan.
"Our pleasure." Phil said. "Anyway, the first pancake is ready!" He walked over to me with a pancake on a plate. "For you madame." Phil placed it down in front of me.
"Thank you good sir!" Then i turned to Dan. "It's probably poisoned or something." He laughed. "I better try a bit first then." And quicker than a blink, Dan picked up his knife and fork and cut off a sliver of pancake.
"Hey!" I slapped his hand away, but Dan had already shoved it in his mouth. I pretended to be mad and turned away from him.
"I'm sowwy!" Dan apologised.
"Sorry won't bring back that slice of pancake!" I huffed, flicking my head with every word.
"You can have some of mine?" Dan offered. All this time, Phil had been laughing in the background while making Dan's pancake.
I turned back around, a silly smile on my face. "Good enough."
"Deal?" Dan smiled, making a spitting noise and offering me his hand.
"Deal!" I did the same.

After eating our pancakes (i did manage to steal some of Dan's) i decided I should go back to my apartment.

"But remember, our door's always open!" Dan said as he closed the door.

I entered my apartment, feeling like i had just woken up from a dream. A very good dream.

But i knew the smiles and the pancake stealing were real. And the cuddling. I turned around quickly, just to make sure that the door was still there, and that i hadnt gone insane. It was there, as i pretty much expected. I closed the door behind me and walked straight to the kitchen area to make a cup of tea. With my Dan and Phil mug that i had brought with me from home, i went into my bedroom again. I noticed my notebook peeking out of a drawer in my desk. I put my cup down, and picked up the book.

'That boy with chestnut eyes, they mesmerise.'
I got a pen and carefully wrote the next lyrics.

I've seen it written in the skies.
After a while of just sitting looking through my old songs, I got up again. I went to the window of the apartment that lead out to the street. I sat on the ledge, hoping like hell that i didnt fall. I began to imagine myself falling. Slowly, gracefully, and then i was caught before i hit the ground. I looked up to the face of the person. It was Dan.

I shook my head, trying to get the stupid ideas out of my head. Dan and I would never happen! He could never like me. But, just maybe... No, Eleanor. Dont go filling your head with fantasies. Snap out of it.

Snow started to fall gently. I heard voices and looked down at the door to the apartment block. Dan and Phil were leaving, both wrapped up in coats, Phil wearing a Christmas hat. Dan looked up at me.

Dans PoV

She really was beautiful. She had gotten changed, i noticed immediately. Should I? I couldnt stop my heart pounding as I looked up at her.
Eleanor looked almost ethereal, snowflakes falling around her, landing on her eyelashes, her hair, then her button nose. She sneezed. It was adorable.
I couldn't deny the feelings i had for her. That was why i decided soon after she left the apartment to go Christmas shopping. Most specifically, for Eleanor. I wanted to make it perfect for her. I didnt know why i wanted to- yes i did. I liked her. As more than a friend. We had so much in common.

Eleanor's pov

Dan and Phil returned laden with bags. I hadn't been anxiously awaiting their arrival. Obviously not.
I was getting bored without them. I decided to go down and meet them, maybe carry some bags for them. But as soon as Dan heard me padding downstairs in my slippers, he turned around, shielding the bags.

"Hi! What's in the bags?" I asked.
"Nothing." Dan said quietly.
Phil sighed. "Look, Eleanor, this is going to sound rude, but could you go back to your apartment? Please?"
"Uh, yeah ok. But can i come round later?"
"Maybe." Dan said.

I couldnt help feeling hurt as i travelled back up the stairs. Were they fed up of me already?

Dan's PoV

"That was close!" I said, beginning to walk up the stairs again.
"I know right?" Phil agreed. Suddenly, I felt a pang of guilt.
"Did you see Eleanor's face Phil? She seemed really sad."
"Yeah, i guess. But she won't be sad at the end of all this!"
I grinned. We reached our apartment door.
"Thanks for helping me out with this by the way."
"That's ok, you know me, I'm an expert on girls!"
"Really Phil? Really?" I scoffed as we carried on up the stairs to the lounge.

As soon as we dumped our stuff in the lounge, my phone started to ring. I picked up immediately, hoping it was Eleanor. It was, but she sounded tearful.
"Eleanor?" I asked.
"D-Dan?" She sniffed.
"What's wrong?" I felt very concerned. I already started going back down the stairs.
"It's just-" she swallowed. "You don't have to hang out with me you know. If you don't want to."
Panic rushed through me. "No, no, what makes you think that?"
"Well-" Eleanor hiccuped. "You didn't even look at me when i came down to h-help you two. Then Phil just told me to go away. I'm not trying to make a b-big fuss of it or anything, i-it's just..." I had reached her door. I put down the phone. I heard her sob a little more.

"He really doesn't want to talk to me anymore! He just hung up!"
I knocked gently on the door.
"It's open." Called Eleanor quietly.
I pushed open the door. I walked through her apartment until i got to the master bedroom. That's where the noises were the loudest.

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