Chapter 11

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Then it was Phil and Natty's turn. They were both happy to be going on together, but we could all tell they were both nervous. Phil fell off slightly before Natty, and somehow managed to catch her when she fell too. They locked eyes for a second, then both looked away quickly. They got back to shore, both of them red as a beetroot, then it was Rachael and PJ. Even though Rachael was very sporty and strong, she slipped off when a wave descended on her face. She very quickly swam back to shore leaving PJ splashing in the water when he fell off about two seconds after Rachael. Finally, it was Chris and Sunny's turn. Sunny was extremely competitive and determined to win at any costs. When they set off, Sunny only waited a couple of seconds before shoving Chris in the shoulder causing him to fall. "Ha-ha!" She shouted triumphantly. "Gotcha bit-" but she didn't finish, as Chris caught onto her ankle and pulled her down too. There was a lot of splashing and shouting after that, but ended up with Sunny saying- "I still won though." With a smug grin on her face.

We thanked the guy who had been riding the jet ski and returned to our stuff. I twisted my wet hair up into a bun, then got out a volley ball and held it up. "Volleyball anybody?" Luckily everyone wanted to play. We split into teams, Natty, Dan, Phil and I and Chris, PJ, Sunny and Rachael. Phil kept complaining about Rachael being on the other team. "Its not fair!" He whined. "She's so good at it!" Rachael just smirked and smashed the ball into the sand just in front of him.

Rachael's team ended up winning, but then we went on to piggyback volleyball, where I was on Dan's back, Natty on Phil's, Sunny on PJ's and Rachael on Chris's. This time, we won, because we had more trust in our partners, but we fell over a lot.
We spent the rest of the morning on the beach, then decided to go to one of the restaurants for lunch. The girls put kaftans over their swimwear and the boys pulled on a shirt. We picked up all our bags, Dan grabbed my hand again and we headed for the Italian restaurant.

After our meal, we went to explore the pool area. There was a huge pool, shaped like a dolphin, a bar and sun loungers. There was also an arcade. We put our stuff on some sun loungers, and walked to the arcade.
We spent quite a few Euros playing games, then went back to the pool. Sunny, Rachael, PJ and Chris sunbathed while Dan, Phil, Natty and I played in the cool water. Dan did a handstand underwater, he was very proud of himself. Phil tried and ended up splashing everybody at the side of the pool. We had a breath holding competition- Phil won, I found out I had tiny lungs- who can do the most forward rolls underwater competition- Natty won- and piggyback races.

We just messed around in the pool for a while, then sunbathed, then went back to our cabins for a rest. At around 8:30, we went out for tea. I had put on a black dress since everyone was dressing fancy. We were going to talk about the film. I came out of the bathroom that connected to the bedroom and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Woah." Dan said, walking up to me and hugging me from behind.
"Nope, I look stupid in dresses, I'm getting changed." I tried to unwrap his arms from around my waist. But he didn't let go.
"I think you look beautiful." He said. "Just not quite as beautiful as the pizza I had at lunch."
"That pizza did look good, pasta just cant compare." He nodded, then rested his chin on the top of my head. He was so tall. Sometimes, he really did look like a noodle. But he was my noodle, so it was okay.

Dans PoV

I didn't know why Eleanor was so insecure about herself. It was probably that Josh guy. My head resting on hers, my arms around her, I wanted to stay here forever, but there was a knock at our bedroom door. Eleanor started walking over to the door, and i didnt let go, so I was just trailing behind her. She opened the door. It was PJ. He looked up at me strangely.
"Oh dont mind him, he's weird." Eleanor dismissed. I was going to argue, but it turned out that PJ was telling us that we had to go. I finally let go of Eleanor and she went to get a pair of shoes to wear while I pulled on a pair of black dress shoes.

We met the other guys outside the cabin. Rachael had been given all of our scripts, and we were going to get them at the meal. We were going to begin practicing the scenes tomorrow. The restaurant was quite full, but we got a large table, ordered some drinks, and Rachael handed out the scripts. I sipped my drink.
"Alright!" Chris said. "Lets have a read through until our food arrives!"

We had just finished scene 4 when our meal arrived. We ate and talked and ate some more. When we were all full, we read one more scene. Then we returned home.

Time skip: the next day.

Eleanor's PoV

It was time for the rehearsal. We were going to the beach since it was so sunny outside. I pulled on some shorts and a tank top. Dan was just checking his fringe in the mirror, so I ran up and jumped on his back. "Hi bear!" I said.
"Hello honey." He sighed.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, jumping down off his back and slipping under his arm. He put his arms around me. "I'm just afraid that I'm going to f*** up. You know me, I'll get a cringe attack or something."
"You'll be perfect!" I assured him, turning around in his arms and looking up at him. "Our chemistry will make it ok."
"I guess for now, but what about the actual filming? I'll procrastinate away from learning lines and stuff."
"I'll help you! We'll do it together and it will be okay."
Dan lifted me up so my face was close to his. I leaned my forehead on his.
"I love you honey." He smiled.
"I love you more bear." I said.
"But I love you most."
We kissed for a second or two, but then there was a knock at the door.

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