Chapter 17

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Here ya go

Time skip:2 days later

"I'm going out Phil!" I called as I headed down the stairs to our front door.
"You, going outside?" He asked in mock surprise.
"Haha, very funny, but yes." I replied, chuckling.
"What for?" His voice got louder and then he was standing at the top of the staircase.
I just smiled and tapped my nose.
"For Eleanor, right?" Phil interpreted quickly.  "Goddamnit Phil, how did you know?" I sighed, exasperated.
"I just know." He answered, grinning triumphantly.
"You're weird." I said, before turning to go to the door again. "Just don't tell her, okay?"
Phil mimed zipping his lips. "Your secret is safe with me." He said before walking back out of sight. I rolled my eyes and exited the apartment.

After a short walk, I arrived in Trafalgar Square and looked around for the shop I wanted to visit. I spotted it and walked towards it. But before I could get there, a voice shouted-"A wild Dan has appeared!" I turned to see a girl pointing at me surrounded by other girls her age. I chuckled as I waved and they all rushed over to me. It wasn't a great time for me to get stopped, as I was pretty sure the shop closed in half an hour, and I didn't know how long I would take. However, i always enjoyed meeting Danosaurs, so I didn't mind.

We took a few photos and chatted a little bit. Then, the youngest looking and shyest spoke up.
"I think your girlfriend is nice." She said quietely, looking up at me. All the other girls gave her murderous looks, and tried not to make a show of not looking at her. I thought that was strange, but I smiled. "I think she's nice too." I answered. The girl smiled back.
"We better be going Dan." One of the taller girls stated. "It was amazing meeting you, but you know, things to do, people to meet."
I nodded. "Okay, have a nice night." I said before turning and continuing on my route to the shop.
I heard the girls voices again from behind me.
"Tia, what the fuck? None of us like that bitch!" One hissed.
"Well I like her.. She seems friendly-"
"She doesn't deserve Dan!" The shy girl was interrupted. "She's not even pretty, and she has no talent. I don't see what Dan sees in her, and neither should you!"
"But-" protested the youngest girl.
"If you say anymore about that stupid bitch, you can go the fuck away."

Funny how people change depending on the situation. I felt anger bubbling up inside me. I turned on my heel and headed back to them.
"I think Eleanor is amazing and funny and creative and beautiful so.." I took a deep breath. They were only teenagers after all.
"Thank you, Tia." I said, reaching out to the small girl for a hug. She hugged me gratefully. The other girls just stared, in shock that I had heard them. When I Tia left my arms, the other girls all exploded in with explanations.
"We didnt mean it-"
"We like Eleanor-"
"She's lovely-"
"We were just joking-"
"I know you weren't joking." I put in. "And I hope you can keep Eleanor's name out of your mouths from now on. Have a nice night."
And with that, i walked off without a backwards glance. Tia was still smiling, and the girls were doing great impressions of goldfish.

I got to the shop, and thankfully it was still open. I walked in, looking all around me at the items.
"Hi there, is there anything specific you're looking for?" Asked the woman behind the counter.
"Yes." I answered. "I'm looking for a ring..."

Time skip:The next week, 9pm

"Thanks, bye!" I put clicked the end call button and put my iPhone down on the sofa next to me. A warm rush of excitement ran through me. It was going to be perfect.
"Whatcha doing?" Phil asked, coming through the door and on the sofa across from me.
"Just booked out this little one room cabin in the countryside. Its literally in a field."
"What for?" Phil looked intrigued.
"You'll see." I smirked. "So what are you up to three days from now, Saturday?"
"Natty's coming over." He said, excitement in his eyes.
"Cool, I won't be here either so you can do-" I looked him up and down. "Whatever you two are going to do."
"Get your mind out of the gutter Dan!" Phil scoffed, chuckling.
"I think my mind is somewhere down in the sewers by now." I explained.
"Probably." Phil agreed.

My phone buzzed. I picked it up to see a text from Eleanor.
Bæ: Bear, can me and Kat come over for pizza and movies?
Dan: Of course
Bæ: k thanks, be over in a minute

I put my phone down again.
"Kat and Ellie are coming over for pizza and movies."
Soon enough, the two girls arrived carrying only their phones.
"Hai." I said, looking up from my browsing position.
"Hey." Kat and Ellie said almost simultaneously.
"Okay, that was creepy." Phil admitted.
"I know, we're like the twins from the shining." Ellie giggled.
"Come play with us." Kat said, grabbing Eleanor's hand to look more like the twins.
After a while of just chatting, we decided to pick out a movie.
"I vote Disney!" Ellie said, and I agreed.
"The Lion King!" Phil enthused.
"Can you feel, the love tonight!" Kat started to sing, and we all joined in before Phil found the dvd and set it on the coffee table.
"Right, pizza." I said, rubbing my hands together then picking up my phone. "The usual?" I asked as I dialled Checkers Pizza. 
Everyone nodded. When the pizzas were on their way, we closed the curtains and got out blankets. We would have made a pillow fort, but we were too lazy.
"Dannn." Eleanor complained. "I'm cold. Can I borrow a hoodie?"
"Yup, go get one."
After Eleanor left the room, i suddenly panicked. The ring box...
I rushed after her. "Eleanor!" I called, just before she opened my wardrobe door.
"Yeah?" She asked, turning to see me standing in the doorway.
"Let me choose one." I went and picked out my horned hoodie.
"That ones spiky, it might poke you if we cuddle."
"We'll just not cuddle then." I joked, collapsing on my bed and lying staring at the ceiling.
"No!" Ellie said, coming over to me and sitting on top of my stomach.
"I dont think I'm going to move from here, its comfortable." I said closing my eyes.
"If you don't get up, I wont kiss you for the rest of the night." Eleanor said, and I opened my eyes to see her with her hands on her hips.
"Worth it." I said.
"Hmph!" Eleanor said, jumping off me and storming out of the room after sticking her tongue out at me.
"Ellie!" I sighed.
She peeked her head round the doorframe.
"Help me up then."
"How am I supposed to help you up, you're massive!" She asked, walking over to me.


"I might get the strength to get up if you gave me a kiss?" I said cheekily.
"You!" Eleanor scolded. She bent over me to kiss me, and i grabbed her round the waist and pulled her onto the bed beside me.
"What are we supposed to do now?" She laughed. "We're both stranded now."
"Maybe if i got that kiss?" I insisted.
Eleanor turned to look at me with a certain look on her face, but gave me a quick peck on my lips anyway.
"Will that do?" She asked.
"Not at all." I shook my head.
Ellie rolled her eyes, leaned towards me again. We kissed for a couple of seconds before she pulled away.
"Much better." I stated, and with that, I got up off the bed.
"Help me now?" I looked back down at her, her golden wavy hair spread out over the pillows. I walked round to her side of the bed and picked her up, cradling her.
"Dan!" She giggled.
I picked up the horned hoodie and slung it over her. She grabbed onto it and i carried her into the lounge where only Kat was waiting.
She saw us come in, shifted up the sofa and went back to scrolling tumblr on her phone.
"You didn't hear the doorbell go?" She asked as I set Eleanor down on the sofa.
"No-" Ellie began to say before i pulled the hoodie over her head. She just laughed when her head emerged through the head hole. She put her arms through then waved them about, the way too long sleeves swinging around.
"Brings a whole new meaning to sweater paws!" She exclaimed. She rolled them up so you could just see her small fingers poking out from under the sleeve as Phil returned with the pizzas.
"Pizzaaaaaaaaaa!" I said as he put them down on the coffee table.
"Did i miss anything?" He asked, confused.
"Not really." Eleanor answered. Phil just shrugged and put the Lion King disc in the dvd player. He handed everyone the pizzas and we wrapped ourselves in the blankets while the opening song played. I put an arm around Ellie and she snuggled her head to my chest.
We all sang along to most of the songs and nearly cried when Mufasa died. It turned out to be a great night in.

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