Chapter 9

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Quick thank you for 200 reads, we love you all. See you at 500.

Ps, this chapter was 3000 words, so a lot longer than usual.

Eleanors PoV

"Yay! My first video!" I high fived them both.
"Who wants to play Bishe Bashe?" Phil asked.
"Mee!" Dan and I both shout.
"I've been practising and I will keep up my winning!" Dan declares.
"We'll see about that." I muttered.

Time skip: couple of hours later.

It had already started to get dark. We had spent the hours playing Bishe Bashe (which Dan did indeed win) and eating the chocolates we had got from each other. Dan even shared his Malteasers with us.
"This is true friendship." I popped one into my mouth.

Phil suddenly jumped up. "Sorry guys, i need to go and run a quick errand. Be back later!" He said as he rushed to his bedroom to get changed. He was soon out again and hurrying through the door.
"Bye!" I called after him. Dan and I were left alone. I turned back to look at him. He was blushing and looked nervous. He stood up and went over to stand by the Christmas tree. The lighting was warm and the sky was dark outside. I got up and joined him.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, feeling anxious.
He swallowed. "There's something I've been meaning to ask you."
"Yes?" I said.
"Well," Dan continued. "I've really enjoyed the last few days, and I think we've got really close, and i was wondering... Do you- maybe, uh, want to be my girlfriend?"
I beamed. I felt all warm inside. "I'd love to Dan." I said softly.

And in one moment of braveness, Dan cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. And it was the most magical, most wonderful kiss I had ever had.

Dans PoV

She had said yes. Thank god. I didnt know what i would do if she had said no. I was pretty sure- no, i was sure- that i loved her. I didnt know if she loved me back, but she had said yes, and thats all that mattered.

Eleanor's PoV

He had asked me. He had really asked me. I knew that I loved him. I didnt know if his feelings towards me were as sincere as mine towards him, but he had asked me.

"You're too tall to kiss." I giggled, breaking away for a second or two.
"I know." Dan said back, smiling, then put his arms around my waist and lifted me up so my face was level with his.
"Better?" He asked.
"Yup." I replied, wrapping my legs around his waist, then leaning forwards again.

Phil's PoV

I walked back into the lounge to find Eleanor and Dan and they were KISSING. So they really were in love then. It saddened me slightly, but i was mainly happy for them. Eleanor caught sight of me and broke off the kiss to whisper to Dan- "Phil's back." He let go of her carefully, her feet back on the ground and turned to face me. They both blushed. It was cute.
"Hi Phil." Dan said, scratching the back of of his neck.
"Hi Dan, Eleanor." It was extremely awkward.
"Is that the time?" Eleanor broke the silence, ushering Dan to his room. "We better be getting to bed. It is ok that we sleep together tonight?" Eleanor asked Dan.
"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way." Dan smiled down at her. I could see in both of their eyes that they were in love. "Night Phil." Dan closed the door behind Eleanor and himself.

Ah well. Early night then.

Time skip: the next morning

Dan's PoV

I woke up cuddling Eleanor. I still couldn't believe she had said yes. I stroked her forehead, then gently twisted a piece of her golden hair around my finger, making sure not to pull it. Her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her baby blue eyes. She smiled up at me, and snuggled closer into my chest. We just lay there in companionable silence, until I whispered to Eleanor.
"Want some breakfast?" 
She sighed. "My heart is telling me i want to stay here with you, but my stomach protests otherwise."
I chuckled.
We got up and went to the kitchen. Something was missing. Phil wasn't dancing around, or singing, or making pancakes like usual. He was sitting dejectedly at the table with a full mug of cold coffee next to him. He looked so sad. And suddenly all of the happiness Eleanor and I had shared in that moment fell away.
"Phil?" I asked, sitting next to him. Phil gave a weak smile.
"Hi guys." His usual happy demeanour was gone.
"Whats wrong?" Asked Eleanor.
"Nothing!" He smiled fakely. It pained me to see him like this.
Eleanor and I looked at each other. She knew that Phil and I had to sort this out between us.
"I need to do something in Dan's room." She left the kitchen.
"Phil please, what is it?"
Phil sighed quietly. "I dont want to ruin the amazing relationship between you two."
"Are you jealous?" I asked, not believing it for a second.
"No!" Phil seemed shocked. "Besides, you cant get in the way of true love. You really love her, don't you?" I nodded.
"But, it seems like you don't even notice I exist anymore. I've been noticing it, just a few times at the start and now its like I'm always the third wheel." Phil put his head in his hands.
"Phil! No one will ever replace you as my best friend." I explained.
"I know. So, did you and Ellie want anything?" Phil asked.  I sensed he didnt want to talk about it anymore.
"Uh, yeah, we were going to have some pancakes."
"Ill make them." Phil stood up.
"You can go back to her now." He nodded towards my bedroom door. I was effectively dismissed. I smiled, then went back to my bedroom. I sighed. Eleanor was sitting on my bed.
"I'm sorry." She said.
"For what?" I sat next to her.
"This. I overheard that Phil was sad because you spend more time with me than with Phil."
I shook my head. "Its not your fault."

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