Chapter 8

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When i woke up again I was in my bed in my apartment. Dan was snoozing in the armchair.

I suddenly realised- it was Christmas Day!
I jumped out of bed, thankfully without a hangover and ran over to Dan.

"Christmas!!" I shouted joyfully.
Dan's eyes half-opened. "Christmas?" He asked sleepily.

"Yup!" I beamed, ruffling his hobbit hair.
Then his eyes widened. "Oh shit, Christmas! Uh, can you get dressed or something? I have to go."
I realised I was still in my short green dress as Dan hurried out  of the bedroom.

"Yeah, ok!" I called. I heard the front door shut behind Dan.

~Dan's PoV ~

I crossed over the hallway to our apartment door, flinging it open and bolting up the stairs. I had fallen asleep in Eleanor's room, but i was supposed to put her and Phil's presents under the tree. Eleanor's presents were in my draws, Phil's were in my wardrobe. I picked Phil's up first and ran to the lounge where i deposited them under the tree. I repeated it with Eleanor's.

I ran to Phil's room, rushed inside and shook him awake.
"Phil! Phil!"
His eyes opened slowly. "Merry Christmas Dan."
"Merry Christmas, please heat up the pain au chocolats! Eleanor's up already!" I had bought the fancy french breakfast for our special Christmas first meal.

"Ok, ok!" Phil got out of bed, childish delight in his eyes. I took a moment and smiled at him before going back into Sonic mode and running to the lounge again to pick up one of Eleanor's small gifts, a black glitter nail polish.

I took a moment and smiled at him before going back into Sonic mode and running to the lounge again to pick up one of Eleanor's gifts, a christmas jumper.
With it, i ran back to Eleanor's and walked straight into the bedroom where Eleanor was sitting in her underwear looking for her hoodie.
She saw me and attempted to cover herself while i backed out of the room quickly, apologising profusely. When she called me back in though, she was laughing. I blushed and offered her the wrapped gift. "I picked this up for you, thought you might like it." I mumbled.
Eleanor beamed at me. "Thank you!" She tore open the wrapping and saw the huge woollen jumper. I averted my eyes while she pulled off her original hoodie and put on the new jumper. "I love it!" She exclaimed, then launched herself at me for a hug.

"Come on." I said and i pulled her up, grabbing her hand. When we got to our apartment, Eleanor asked to get the onesies, as Phil was already in his. He was also vlogging.
"Please?" She asked.
"I'll go and get them." I smiled, and went to get them. When i returned, Eleanor was showing Phil her new jumper. We pulled on the onesies and sat at the table. I pulled out my camera and started to film after checking my fringe.
"Hohoho motherfuckas!" I half-yelled. Eleanor and Phil both laughed. "That was a bit unnecessary Dan!" Eleanor giggled.
"Yep. Also, did i introduce you guys to Ellie? So who are you?" I said, holding out a fork like a microphone.

"Well," Eleanor begins. "My name is Eleanor, but you can call me Ellie! I'm from Ireland but i moved into the apartment across from these two and I'm fucking fabulous."
Phil joined us at the table, the pain au chocolats were in the oven. "That about sums it up!" He nodded.

"So guys," I continued. "Merry Christmas! We're just about to have breakfast, pain au chocolats, since we're so fancy."
"You could even say, phancy!" Phil butted in.
"Oh God no." I said as Eleanor and I looked at him with the same expression.
"So I'm going to be vlogging parts of the day for you guys to see." I said. Just then, the oven pinged and Phil jumped up to get out the warm chocolatey bread.

He brought them over to the table, then quickly returned with 3 cups of tea. 
"Yum!" Eleanor licked her lips. She picked one of the pain au chocolats up and bit into it. She showed the melting chocolate inside to the camera.
"Mmm, because this is what Christmas is all about, scoffing abnormal amounts of unhealthy food." Then i picked up one too as Eleanor nodded and grinned before taking another bite. I put the camera away and Phil was also vlogging himself eating. I took a bite.

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