Chapter 10

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Sorry it's late, I had no wifi. Incoming 2 chapters.

When we got out of the airport, we got in the 2 taxis the bbc arranged for us to take us to the holiday camp, Il Delfino Verde. I was so excited to get onto the beach!

Dan's PoV

Eleanor had been scared on the plane. How adorable. But i had held her hand and held it tight, so she was ok. I was so lucky to have her. This holiday was going to be a dream come true.

We arrived at Il Delfino Verde about half an hour later. We had followed the coastline the whole way. I was glad, as this meant there was a beach. We got out of the taxi and walked to the reception. We got our keys. Eleanor, Phil, Chris, PJ and I were sharing a cabin. We drove the car the BBC rented for us to the cabin.

"Its kinda small." Phil admitted.
"Not for me!" Eleanor skipped over to the door and unlocked it. "Remember bear, you're freakishly tall." She walked in and we all followed. There were five rooms, one bedroom with a double bed, on bedroom with 3 beds, 2 underneath a bunk bed. There was a bathroom and a seperate toilet, then the main room that we were standing in. It had a dining table, a couch and a kitchen area.

Eleanor and I would be obviously sharing the double bed, Phil, Pj and Chris in the other room.  The three girls were staying in the cabin opposite us. We went back out to the car to get our suitcases. Eleanor dragged her suitcase into the room after me.
"So we're here." She smiled. "Its so hot!"
I smirked. "I can think of something hotter." Eleanor looked at me. "Daniel James Howell, did you just use a cheesy pick up line on me?"
"Yes Eleanor Jade Bretel, I did. And did it work?" I asked, reaching out for her and pulling her towards me.
She put her arms around me. "Absolutely bear."
"I love you honey."
"But I love you more."

Phil's PoV

How many times was I going to run into them kissing? I turned around, shut the door behind me and rolled my eyes. Just then, there was a knock at the door. I opened it to see Natty. She blushed. I blushed too.
"Um, I was wondering if you had any cereal? I usually bring some with me but i forgot."
My heart skipped a beat. She liked eating cereal at random moments too?
Natty twiddled with some of her brown hair. "Um, I have what my friends refer to as a secret eating problem."
"Me too!" I gabbled. "I mean, I have some cereal and  a secret eating problem! Too!" I scrambled to my suitcase in my room where Pj and Chris were on their beds with their phones. "You alright?" Chris asked.
"She's lovely!" I grabbed the cereal box and ran back to see
Natty with a butterfly on her finger. It seemed unreal how pretty she looked at that moment. I stopped dead and she noticed, the butterfly fluttering away.

"I don't know about you, but I think that butterfly wasn't planning to land on my finger, i think it meant to land on that flower." She pointed to a vase with a single pink flower in it. "I saw the little thought processes in its eyes."
Suddenly my mouth wouldn't work. I almost threw the cereal at her. She took it from me and put some in her mouth.
"Yum, my favourite."
"Mine too." I whispered.
"What was that?" She asked.
Just then I heard Sunny's voice. "Natty? You need to come back over here and unpack your stuff!"
"Uh, I better go." She blushed again and handed me back the cereal. "Here, i better not steal your cereal." I pushed it back at her. "Keep it." I said.
"Thanks!" She smiled, then left.
"As a token of my love!" I whispered, so Natty couldnt hear. Had I finally found my soulmate?!

Can I spoil it? (No Kat, you can't.) Fine.

Eleanor's PoV

We had all got changed into swimming gear. All the boys were wearing trunks, and all the girls bikinis apart from Sunny, who was wearing a green swimming costume. I had bought a new neon blue bikini with a black outline. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked fat. A tear came to my eye. Such a silly little thing to be sad about, but i had thought that just maybe i wouldnt look fat in my new costume. Dan came up to me, putting his arms around me from behind.

Dans PoV

"What's wrong honey?" I asked concernedly. She turned around and buried her head in my chest. I felt teardrops on my bare skin.
"I look fat." She whispered. Was she freaking kidding? She looked amazing, her stomach was flat as a pancake and her golden hair was framing her face.
"You look absolutely beautiful! And not because of your flat stomach, because you are you and I love you like that!"
She looked up at me. "Really?"
"Yes really." I tucked her hair behind her ear and looked her in the eyes. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."
"I love you bear." She wiped her cheeks.
"But I love you more." I replied softly. "Come on, lets go to the beach."
She smiled, and picked up her beach bag. We went out to the door hand in hand where Phil was telling PJ and Chris about something.
"It was like i was blinded or something. She was stood there, basked in sunlight- oh hi guys. I'm just telling these two about-" then he gave us the evil eyes. "You're not going to tell her, are you?"
"Tell who?" Eleanor asked, confused.
"Natty." PJ sighed.
"He's fallen in love with her." Chris added.
"But she loves cereal too!" Phil tried to explain as we got on our flip flops and walked out the door. Then he saw her, standing wearing a bikini with a kaftan over it, and he stopped talking.
"Finally." I whispered to Eleanor, and she giggled.
"Lets go to the beach!" Rachael half-yelled. We all started trooping in the direction of the beach. 

Eleanor cries so fucking much. Exactly like me, over the littlest of things.

We finally arrived at the gloriously sandy beach. We dumped our stuff in a good spot and ran straight into the water, splashing each other and screaming in delight. We were acting like kids, but we were still only young. I was only 21 for gods sake. Dan got out of the water for a while and went over to the beach bar. I didnt know what he was doing until he came back and told all of us.
"I've got a challenge for us to do in pairs." He pointed to a jet-ski pulling up at the jetty. It was trailing a bright yellow banana shaped thing.
"Who can keep hold the longest?!" He announced.
"Lets find out!" Sunny rushed towards the jetty, where we were all equipped with life jackets.

The pairs were- Dan and I, Phil and Natty(they both wanted to be together), Rachael and PJ and Chris and Sunny.

Dan and i prepared for our challenge. I had asked Phil to vlog it for us.
"Even when I win," I asked Dan, "Will you still be my boyfriend?"
"Hmm, got to think about that one." He joked before giving me a quick peck on the lips. "And don't be so sure you'll win, i have a good grip."

I clenched my teeth, i had to win now.
The camera started filming. I then realised that Dan and I hadn't let the internet know we were going out. Everyone counted down. "3,2,1, GO!" The jet ski set off and I screamed a little as the inflatable we were holding onto bounced around on the waves. "If I die, no-one gets my subscribers, not even-" He was cut off as he lost his grip and fell into the sea. Everyone cheered for me. I held up a fist as a celebration, and in doing so, fell off. The water felt absolutely freezing, but then Dan was holding me.
"Told you I'd win!" I coughed, having swallowed some salty water.
"You did." Dan admitted, carrying me bridal style so my face was above the water until we got to shore.
"Dan," i whispered. "The internet doesn't know we're going out!" He set me on my feet again on the sand.
"Oh yeah. Well then..." He swept me comically off my feet and kissed me. Everyone cheered again.
"Was that enough for them to know?" He asked after pulling away.
"Hmm, i think you should kiss me just a little bit more so-" i was interrupted by Dan's lips on mine. When he pulled away, I shouted to the camera. "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, we're going out!" I did the thumbs up and everyone laughed.

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