Chapter 12

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Phil's PoV

I had just had another run in with Natty when I opened the door. It wasn't fair, we just got embarrassed every time we talked to each other. I'm sure now that I like her- like like like. Did that make sense?
I hope she likes me too. I opened the door, Dan and Ellie were kissing AGAIN. I totally shipped Daleanor though. Dan quickly let go of Eleanor and she landed on the floor again.
He scratched the back of his neck.
"Hi." Eleanor waved awkwardly.
"Hey, uh, we're going to the beach now to rehearse."
"Cool, coming." Eleanor answered, giggling slightly. I nodded and shut the door again. They were a cute couple.

The rehearsals went well, with a lot of laughs and messing around. Afterwards, the boys stayed behind to practice a scene we had together. Dan was reluctant to stay when Eleanor walked away. She turned around, ran back to him and jumped into a hug. He swung her around. Then Eleanor whispered something into his ear, he nodded and put her down again. They both smiled, and Eleanor walked away again with the girls, out of sight.
"What was that about?" I asked Dan.
"Nothing." He shook his head.
The other guys and I looked at each other and I shrugged.
"Let's get practicing!" PJ announced.

Eleanor's PoV

When I got back to the cabin, i went onto youtube. I already had around 10,000 subscribers, as Dan and Phil had gave me a shoutout on their Twitter. I looked at the comments under my video. My heart sank as I saw all the hater comments.
'She's so ugly'
'Y does she get to hang out with Dan and Phil?'
'She's rubbish at videos'
'Ew look at her'

But then, i saw a comment replying to the hater messages.
danisnotonfire: Eleanor is the most beautiful, talented, amazing girl I've ever known, so you can all shut up about her cos you dont know a thing.

I smiled, a warm feeling rising up within me. Dan was an amazing boyfriend. I suddenly got the urge to do something for him. I picked up my macbook. I knew what I was going to do.

Time skip- around 2 hours later

I had searched through all of my filming footage to find suitable images and videos to fit the song. I was putting together a video to show how much I appreciated Dan. I was going to sing a song in the background, because a lot of people had told me i had a good voice. After I edited all of the footage together, i put my macbook away, because I knew that Dan would be back soon.

Natty's PoV(thats new)

Sunny, Rachael and I had made a cake for the guys. Eleanor had been busy, i didnt know what with, but it was fine. The guys returned home. I gulped. This time, i wasn't going to be awkward when I talked to Phil. I really really liked him, as more than a friend, I mean, no one else I've met has had a secret eating problem like me or a love of snacking on cereal randomly! Me and the other girls presented the cake to Phil, Chris and Pj- Dan had gone to find Eleanor.
"Tada!" Sunny said, seeming very proud of herself. Rachael just smiled triumphantly. Phil was looking at me, and I was looking at him. Rachael set the cake down on the table and began to cut slices out of it, chatting all the while to the others. Phil walked a little closer. I held my breath. He reached out a hand towards my face.
"Um," he whispered. "You, um, have a bit of, uh, chocolate on your, um, face." He wiped it from my cheek for me, and I smiled nervously.
We had found out during rehearsals that we were also going to become a couple in the movie, and we had to kiss at one point. I was ecstatic about it, maybe it would bring us together in real life, and Phil was trying to hide a huge smile when we found out.
"Thanks." I said quietly.
Nobody was really paying attention to us. Everyone was eating the cake and listening to Sunny's story of how the cake was made.
"So, you know in the movie, we, uh, have to, uh, kiss." Phil stammered, blushing.
I stared at a very interesting piece of fluff on the floor. "Um, yeah."
"It's going to be, uh, a bit, um, awkward if we dont, uh, practice." Phil smiled a little, it was very cute.
I smiled back. "Yeah..." And in one moment of braveness, i asked the question. "So, um, I've noticed that we have so much in common and I know we only met like yesterday but it feels like I've known you for years and we both like cereal snacking and have secret eating problems and weve talked a lot and i feel like i know so much about you and weve had so much fun and we did the holding on challenge and you caught me and i was just wondering-" Phil suddenly grabbed my shoulders. "I know exactly how you feel i feel the same and I was also wondering-" Then we both burst out at the same time. "Would you like to go out with me?" We then both nodded and paused for a moment. We smiled at each other. Then we both leant towards each other, but we both awkwardly tipped out heads the wrong way, and kept doing it, until Phil put his hands on my face to keep it still, and kissed me.

"I ship Nattil!" Shouted Sunny, pointing at us. But we didnt care anymore. Cos we were together now. No more awkwardness, i hope.

Dan's PoV

I found Eleanor in our room on her macbook. When she saw me, she quickly shut the laptop and put it away.
"What was that about?" I asked joining her on the bed.
"Nothing." She said quickly, smiling. "How did the rehearsal go?"
"Pretty good," i answered. "It was fun- wait, are you trying to change the subject?"
"Noo." Eleanor smiled innocently. I narrowed my eyes. "Come on then, lets go and see the others." She placed her tiny hand in mine and I pulled her up. We went over to the girls cabin, where everyone was eating cake, and Phil had his arm around Natty. I looked at him questioningly, but he just smiled and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled.
"They're together now." Rachael explained.
Aww. What a cute couple. They were made for each other.
"Cake for lunch then?" Eleanor asked.
Chris nodded. "Yup!"
We also found out that there was going to be a beach party at the bar, which we were going to. When we finished our cake, Eleanor and i went back to our room to practice some scenes between us.

Time skip- that night, 21:30

We were all on the way to the party, and it was nearly dark. We heard loud music playing as we neared the beach bar. There were people jumping around and drinking at the bar. We went and bought a drink each then had a toast- "To us!" PJ shouted over the music. "To us!" We all answered, and downed our drinks.

Time skip- 1:15 in the morning

Not much happened that night. We all danced, jumped around, took rounds of shots and got very, very drunk.
My arms were around Eleanor, and the lights were bright and the music was loud.
"Do you know something Eleanor?" I slurred, and she put her arms around my neck. "Tell me." She hiccuped.
"I want you." I whispered close to her ear.
"But I want you more." Eleanor answered. I grabbed her hand and pulled her all the way back to our room, with Eleanor giggling and hiccuping all the way.

Phil's PoV

When we returned home at around 2 in the morning, there were... Noises coming from Eleanor and Dan's room. Pj, Chris and i just laughed and slumped on the sofa. We fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the cushions.

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