Chapter 19

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We lay next to each other in companionable silence scrolling on our phones.
I decided to text Phil.
Ellie: Can we do baking today?
Phil: thanks for waking me up
Ellie: Your welcome
Phil: You're
Ellie: ...
Phil: yes we can bake
Ellie: yay!
Phil: let's not tell Dan, he's going out to do something today
Ellie: kay

I smiled mischievously.
"Who are you texting?" Asked Dan, turning his head to see my phone. I quickly clicked the top button to turn it off.
"No-one." I said, trying to seem innocent.
Dan's smile wavered, but didn't disappear.
"You trust me don't you?" I asked.
"Of course." He said, then got out of bed. "I'm going out to film a video today." Dan got out his clothes from his wardrobe.
"Kay." I said, staring at him as he pulled on his shirt.
When his head emerged, he saw me looking.
"What are you looking at?" He asked.
"Cos you're perfect."
Dan rolled his eyes. "I appreciate the complement, but I'm really not."
"You are to me."
I smirked, getting out of bed and walking over to him.
"Oh shut up." He smiled.
After Dan got dressed and went into the kitchen. I followed him in wearing one of his hoodies.
"What are you making for breakfast."
"I dunno, food maybe?" Dan said sarcastically, running a hand through his hair and looking in the fridge.
"Yeah, well i guessed that."
"How about crumpets and tea?" He asked.
"How very British of you." I observed.
Dan shrugged. "Yup."

Dan put four crumpets in the toaster and switched it on.
"More tea?" He asked, flicking the switch of the kettle.
"Duh, do you know me at all Dan?" I rolled my eyes. I suddenly realised how long Dan and I had known each other. 7 weeks maybe? Not even two months. Funny, cos it felt like a lifetime.
"I'll take that as a yes then." Dan smiled. He walked over to the toaster as the crumpets pinged up.
"Ow!" He exclaimed suddenly, pulling his hand away from the toaster.
"What is it?" I got up quickly and went over to him. His finger was red and a little swollen.
"You burnt your finger?" I asked. Dan nodded, a smile playing on his lips. I led him over to the sink and turned on the cold tap which i then made him put his finger under.
"You burnt your finger on a toaster?" I said, staring between his grinning face and the toaster.
"You burnt your finger on a fucking toaster?" I looked at him incredulously.
Dan was trying to keep a straight face, but was failing. He snorted, then began to laugh. I joined in and we just couldnt stop laughing. When we finally did stop, i sighed on leant my head against Dan's chest.
"My boyfriend everyone, the clumsiest guy alive."
"What about me?" Phil piped up, entering the kitchen.
"Well, no oned clumsier than you, you're on a whole nother level." Dan admitted.
"But you come a close second." Phil grinned.
I nodded.

After we ate our crumpets- Phil had Shreddies- Dan looked out at the pouring rain and called a taxi. He got on his coat and me and Phil walked him down to the front door.
"Good luck not drowning." I said, squinting to see through the thrashing rain.
"Thanks." Dan scoffed, then gave me a quick kiss, waved to Phil and sprinted to get in the taxi.
When the taxi disappeared from our view, Phil and I turned to each other with a mischievous smile on our faces. We shut the door and scrambled back up the stairs. We slammed Phil's apartment door and rushed to the kitchen. Phil ran his pale fingers over the spines of several cookbooks, then stopped on one and pulled it out.
"Delia!" I shouted as Phil plonked Delia's cookbook down on the table and began to flick through the pages to find the perfect recipe.
"I want to eat the pages!" I licked my lips as we passed each picture of an immaculately made cake.
"They look so good." Phil agreed. "I wish these cookbooks were scratch and sniff." He sighed.
"Me too."
"Wait!" We both said simultaneously. Phil went back a few pages and we saw it.
The perfect cake.
"That's the one." I stared at it.
"Let's make it!"

We decided to film the making of this amazing cake and put it on Phil's channel.
"Hey guys, so firstly why is it so rainy in England right now?" Phil turned to me.
"Dunno, its just England being England." I replied.
"Yeah, and secondly, I'm here with Ellie!"
"Yay!" I said, doing jazz hands.
"And before you guys start commenting saying- "Where's Dan?"- No we did not kill him."
"Probably." I added.
"He's gone out to film a video."
"Yup, so shall we tell them what we're doing?" I asked, starting a drum roll on the counter top.
"As you can probably guess from the title of the video, we're making a cake!" Phil announced.
"Yay! That probably wasnt a surprise though, as the title will probably be cake related." I said.
"Yeah." Phil shrugged. "Anyway, we're going to be using one of Delia's recipes."
"Obviously, we wouldnt use anything else." I scoffed and Phil nodded.
"You are right." He nodded. "So lets commence the baking!"

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