Chapter 5

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(Woah, Woah, Woah, nope, not doing this) come on Kat, tell then already  (Fine. We hit 100 reads already on this book. OMF, how?! We've been writing this for 2 months, and we have this much support?!?!?! Asdfghjkl)  Kat? You okay? Anyway, thank you so so so so so so much, we can't stress that enough. As of writing this we've nearly finished it, there's maybe 2 or 3 chapters left, plus a sequel and a spinoff planned, so we are very busy. Also, only message on Kat's personal account, we can't message back for some reason. Enough of an intro, back to the book. (BUH-BYE)



Dan's pov

I opened the door and saw Eleanor's petite figure curled up sitting on her bed.
"Eleanor?" I asked as I slowly walked towards her.
She took one look at me and burst into tears again.
"Oh God, Eleanor." I sat beside Eleanor and carefully wrapped my arms around her. She immediately laid her head on my chest. Eleanor's frame fit perfectly in my arms.
"I-I'm sorry Dan." She sniffed again. Her sobs got quieter as she relaxed in my hold.

"You don't have to be sorry for anything! I'm sorry for being so rude, and for the record, I do want to be friends. I could never be fed up with you." I finished. Eleanor looked up at me with her big baby blue eyes.
"Really?" she asked doubtfully.
"Really." I assured her.
And without realising what I was doing, i leaned forwards. Eleanor closed her eyes doing the same and-
*Ding dong!*
The doorbell went and we jumped. Eleanor giggled. I chuckled. Phil's voice came through the bedroom door. He had already walked into the apartment. "Dan? Eleanor? Are you-" It was at that point that Phil opened the bedroom door. He stopped dead when he saw Eleanor and I. He started walking backwards. "I was never here. Continue doing- whatever you were doing. Um-"
Eleanor cut him off. "Its ok Phil. We werent really doing anything." Phil peeked round the door frame. The he jumped in to sight again. "So I was thinking that we could take Eleanor on a tour of London? Wouldn't that be fun!"
Eleanor wriggled out of my arms. "I'd love that! If you want to Dan?"
"Yep." I wanted to do whatever Eleanor wanted to do. "You might want to get changed though, it's pretty cold."
"Yeah. I'll put some jeans on or something." She looked at Phil and i expectingly.
"Lets go Dan." Phil beckoned me.
"Oh, yeah. Meet you down the stairs Eleanor?"
"Sure," she replied, "and you can call me Ellie."
I smiled and Phil and i went back to our apartment.

~le magical time skip brought to you by Kat, coz she's writing the rest of this chapter ~

After I changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie over my 'brofist ' tshirt, I left my apartment and met Dan and Phil downstairs.

I laughed when I saw what they were wearing.

Phil was in a full Ash Ketchum cosplay. And Dan? Look at the media provided by Author-chan  (HEY, STOP BREAKING THE FORTH WALL.) #sorrynotsorry  (SHUT UP ELLIE ) GUYS, STFU AND LET ME CONTINUE THE STORY. She started it... Ellie please.

"Ready to go then?"
"HELLS YEAH!" I said as we left the house and walked down the street, phones in hand, looking for pokemon.

Our first destination was central Park.

"GUYS THERE'S A ZUBAT HERE" Phil chirped up, pulling me out of my zone.

"WHAT?! I WANT THAT ZUBAT!" Dan yelled, as he ran across the grass to where Phil was.

"Hold on a second, I'm catching a Magikarp," I replied, giggling slightly at their actions. They could be such kids sometimes.

~short time skip brought to you by TBT (if you know who that little biscuit is, ilysm) ~

We'd been here for an hour now, and decided that it was time to go and get Lunch. We were in the mood for something quick, so we went to (insert food place here)

After grabbing Lunch, they continued with the tour.

"... And this is the BBC studios, where we show up once a month to give people the best show of their lives," Dan said in an attempt to make Phil and me laugh. It worked.

"How about we go and get Starbucks now, there should be one on the next street?" Phil asked, to which we agreed, because we looooooooove coffee.

Hey Kat, you should make this chapter longer (I don't wanna)  please?  (Ugh fine, you owe me Ellie)

~Phil's pov~ that's new

Watching as Dan and Eleanor subtly flirted with Each other all day was funny, but also sad, as I kinda felt like the third wheel. Everyone had someone they liked, but me? Nope. I had no idea who my 'soul mate ' would be. Honestly, I wished I had a partner, but there wasn't anyone who I was close to. Oh well.

(Kat here, poor Phil, if you want him to have a relationship with someone, leave a name in the comments and we might choose one. BUT NOT KATHERINE!  (me) She'll be added later and we know what's gonna happen with her, so no, not my character. ) See you later peeps, Bye!

~edit, any one who wants to be in the story will have to wait for the sequel, we might add you. Bye~

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