Chapter 18

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Dedicated to @jazzigilinsky 💞

Zoeys POV

I was in gym class playing volleyball. Nick was on the other team and kept aiming at me trying to hit me. But, obviously I wasn't going to go down without a fight. I aimed the ball right back at him and it was pretty much just a match between us until the teacher blew the whistle.

"Zoey! Nick! If I wanted to see a game between just the both of you I would of asked. Now pass the ball around!" He ordered.

I shrugged and as I looked to the back of my team looking at everyone annoyed I felt guilty. I turned back and unexpectedly I see a ball flying my way. I ducked but not in time. The ball hit my right in the nose.

The class laughed. Even the damn teacher snickered.

I put the ball back in the air and aimed it towards Leah, who dodged the ball but Abby hit it back towards us before it fell.

My nose was hurting but I just shook it off.

In the end, Nick, Abby, and Leah's team won as they were all on the same team.

Next I had Ms. Maro. I got my books and went to her class. I went to my seat, and rested my head on the desk. More people started coming in.

"Sleeping beauty get up," said a deep husky voice next to me. The person had the nerve to throw something at me too. Who the fuck is that?

I look up to see Jax smirking sitting in the seat next to me.

I pulled a pen tangled in my hair out glaring at him.

"What did I do to earn your presence near me?" I said laying back my head on the desk but looking in his direction.

I was tired for some reason. I slept fine but maybe volleyball drained my energy.

"Ah you were up late thinking about me, you barley got sleep. Awh, I'm touched," he said touching his heart with that playful smirk.

"Yes Jax all I could think about is why you don't love me," I said playing around.

"Babe, it's not you its me. I'm not the loving person. But don't worry I'm always at your service," he said flashing his smirk.

I laughed as the teacher walked in.

"Alright class today is when you will be getting your children. I will pick each pet that you get. I will show you which is yours and his/hers name and you and your partners name will be written on their name tag. Then at dismissal you will come back and take your pets, both you and your partner have to sign this sheet before you take your child," she said waving up a piece of paper.

"Alright let's get started. Alyssa and Aaron you are a child of a kitten," Ms. Maro started as the animal adoption people brought in a kitten and handed it to them. It was a lady, she was blonde and had the animal adoption shirt on. Her name tag said Sandy on it. Alyssa gushed over it.

"What is the name you guys decided on? It's a girl by the way," Sandy said.

"Debby," Aaron responded as the lady wrote down their names and the kittens name.

This continued between cats, dogs, puppies, kittens, bunnies, and even love birds which was cool.

"Jax and Zoey," Ms. Maro called.

Someone brought in the most adorable puppy ever and handed it to Sandy.

"You guys are having a baby boy shih tzu. Oh you guys are lucky, he was recently born as you can see so he will be easier to train. He just needs a good diet and to walk a lot and he will grow but he will stay small. Just for now I suggest him not walking, probably lifting him until a week or so then letting him walk since he's still a baby. What's his name?" Sandy asked us as I took him into my arms.

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