Chapter 3

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Zoey POV

I opened the bathroom door to find my mom in the bathtub, her eyes were closed and she was pale.
"Mom?" I whispered in shock.
I ran over to her and kneeled down to the tub and shook her. I kept shaking her. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.
"911 what's your emergency?" The women said from the second ring.

"Hi, my-my mom. She-she's pale." I stuttered through the phone just shaking.

"Ma'am what happened to your mom? How did you find her?" The woman responded.

"I came home from work and I found her in the bathroom tub, she's pale and isn't moving. I don't know what happened," I whispered through the phone.

"Ok help is on the way, please give me your address and stay on the line with me." The operated replied more concerned than first.

"34-93 wood dale avenue, apartment building, 2nd floor, door number 308(this is made up)," I said as I took a deep breath.

"Ok, the ambulance are on their way. I need you to calm down, and breath. Now, check your mom pulse." She explained carefully and calm.

I reached over to my moms neck and put my index and middle finger again it to check her pulse. My hand was shaking as I put my fingers against her neck. I felt something but I wast exactly sure.
"Umm...I feel something but I'm not exactly sure. I'm kinda shaking too much."

"Ok that's fine, put your hand over her heart and check if you feel anything. Even the slightest thump."

I put my hand over her heart and I felt a small thump.
"Oh my god! I felt her heart beat. She's still alive! It was small but it was there," I said to the woman, relived that there was hope.

"Ok, what I need you to get her from the bathroom to her bedroom and cover her in blankets, to get back some body temperature, and stay on the line doing so."

I muttered an ok, and set the phone down. I lifted my mom up, she was pretty light since she lost a significant amount of weight from depression. I set her on her bed and grabbed  a pair of undergarment and a big tee shirt to cover her. Then I covered her in two fluffy blankets from her bed. I ran into my room and grabbed my own blanket and comforter, also the living room plush. I wrapped it all around her. I grabbed the phone and told the woman I did as I was told.
"Ok Hun, the ambulance isn't far away. You just have to wait. Good luck and I hope your mom gets better. I send my prayers to you. You did great, she'll be fine."

I cradled my mom as if she was a baby, praying she'll be ok.
"Please. Please, mommy. Don't be dead. You can't die. Your all I have," I whispered feeling tears burn my eyes. A tear escaped and ran down my face, followed by a few more.

"Please don't go. I love you. Your what I'm living for right now! I-I love you mommy! Don't leave me!" I sobbed into the blankets. She can't die, NO! She can't.

"Ma'am, please let go of your mom so we can help her." A voice said above me pulling me off my mom.

"Please-please help her. She can't leave me." I sniffled as they took her and placed her on the stretcher. I went to go with her but a police officer stopped me.

"Ma'am I'm sorry to do this, but I'm going to need a quick statement from you then you can go to the hospital," the officer said with a apologetic smile.


"It takes less than 5 minutes, and they won't leave without you. They have to put an air mask in and set her up."
"So, what exactly happened when you found her?"

"Um..I just got home from work and found her in the bathroom passed out, looking pale, it was bad. I called 911 and was told to check for a heart beat which I found faintly. I was informed to get her into the bedroom and cover her in blankets, which I did," I explained shaking from the events.

"Ok, well we will investigate the house to see if we can find anything to know what caused her to pass out. But, why weren't you in school?" The officer asked after writing down what I said.

"I did go to school. I go to school and work to support us since my mom medically and emotionally cannot work. She has depression and takes anti-depressants," I replied getting annoyed with his how long his questions are taking.

"Thank you, I'll see what I can do. You can go now."
I ran out the door and outside. I jumped into the ambulance and saw my mom having different wires hooked up to her.

"How is she?" I asked the paramedic sitting opposite from me.

"I'm sorry to say, but I really don't know. When we get to the hospital we are going to have to run test but right now we have to make sure she is breathing," She replied looking at me sympathetic. The ambulance door shut and started moving.

Throughout the ride I held my moms bony, lifeless hand.
Come on mom. Please fight this!

After what feels like forever, the ambulance pulled up to the hospital. They rolled her into the hospital as a doctor came and took her, but before they went in they police officer came running in.
"Wait! I found a bottle of prescription antidepressants empty on the bathroom floor. I'm most likely sure she overdosed on them." He said gasping for air.

This made the doctors rush her into the room with worried looks on their faces.

Me? Well I was just lost. The room felt like it was spinning. Why would she do that? Why would she leave me? The police officer lead me into the waiting room and got me a cup of water.

"Here you go, don't worry I'm sure they will do their magic and it will be ok. You did the right thing though," He said trying to comfort me but it didn't affect me the slightest. I sipped on the water and stared into space.

I can't believe this. She overdoes on her pills.

"Zoey!" A voice shouted snapping me out of my thoughts. I look up to see the officer gone and Lucas running towards me.

"Zoey! What happened? I got here as soon as I could! Is it your mom?" He asked as soon as he got into the seat next to me.

"Hey, how'd you know I was here. Yeah it's my mom," I replied in a shaky breath.

"I came over to bring you dinner since you left early after rehearsal with the gang. But I saw you jumping into an ambulance and it driving away. My dads here too."

"Zoe! Honey! What happened?" Blake said taking the other seat besides me. He was like a father to me and deeply cared unlike my so called father that up and left.

"My mom--she overdosed  on her antidepressants," I said as a tear escaped my eyes. I looked like I escaped the zoo. I was in the clothes I had on the entire day, yoga tights and a sweatshirt and my hair is all over the place. My eyes are puffy and red from crying but whatever.

Blake pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back as I sobbed into his shirt.
"She can't leave me too!" I sobbed.

"Don't worry, you have us. Everyone has their time to go and maybe hers is now. She may have a reason behind this. Maybe she couldn't handle the pain. Everything happens for a reason Zoe, you'll realized why this happened later on. For all we know, this could just be a little scare and nothing could be wrong," Blake said hugging me.

"I hope your right Blake," I said holding onto him as if my life depended on it.

Another updateee...😘
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