Chapter 43

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Walking into the kitchen grinning I saw my mom at the stove making what smelled like grilled cheese and Tay sitting on the stool on her iPad.

"Hey Ma, how was school Tay," I greeted them kissing them both on their foreheads, walking to the fridge grabbing a drink.

"It was great! Layla and I played on the computers during class and I can't wait until Christmas! Mom said she's going to take me to take a picture with Santa and go shopping tomorrow I can't wait!

Oh and I got an 100 on my spelling quiz!" She chatted on smiling brightly with her beautiful self.

"Atta girl, I'm proud of you Tay." I kissed her cheek wrapped her in a hug from behind as I rocked her side to side as she giggled.

"Your in a good mood." My mom smiled towards me as I winked at her.

"My Angel told me something that made my day." I grinned thinking the three words coming out of her plump sweet lips that I kiss on everyday and oh that round firm ass of hers that fill my hands up.

My mom raised her eyebrows at me definitely curious now.

"She told me that she loved me well more like blurted it out."

"Awwwe," erupts from my mom as she smiled widely at me.

"Ew why would she said that? Do you love her too?"

"Yes sorror amata I diligunt eam defendebtes."
(Yes beloved sister I love her dearly.)

"Eww but you have cooties. I have to warn Zee not to love you anymore. Boys have cooties!"

"Yes that's true all boys in your life has cooties except me!" I laughed as I grabbed her off the chair swinging her in the air as I carried her on my shoulder into the living room.

"What about the twins, Tyler, Sean, and Zack?"

"Except them too! They'll help me make sure that you'll never date until your 30!"

She giggled as I threw her into the couch making sure she hit her head on the cushion.


"Because big brothers don't allow their sisters to date."

"So why is Zack letting you date Zee?"

I wasn't expecting her response to be that. Honestly I didn't know why either I'm just one hell of a lucky fucker that he is and especially that he hadn't put my head throw some type of glass or car window yet because of the amount of times I've already made her cry.

I know when I picked her up last night she'd been crying, her eyes were all red and puffy and she was sniffling throughout the entire ride.
I hate myself for that. That angel deserves much more than what I'm doing but no way am I letting her go. I'm a selfish bastard but so let it be, Zoey is everything I want and need in my life.

"Well aren't you smart," I said tickling her and she erupted in laughter squirming away. Thank god she doesn't kick or roll around like Zoey. I almost got a foot to the face last time I tickled her.

"Okay okay enough you too. Baby eat your lunch and after can start your homework please or no Santa tomorrow, and Jax kitchen please."

I put the TV on for Taylor and followed my mom into the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"How are you? How's everything? God I feel like this is a damn hotel you just walk in and out. You don't even talk to your mother anymore."

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