Chapter 2

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Zoey POV
5 years later (present)

I walked down the familiar, yet shady streets to my apartment. The moonlight shone as I hear my shoes hitting the concrete. It was a good community but wasn't the safest at night, but during the day it was filled with kids at the park. I live in a small apartment with my mom, who currently isn't in the best state. Let me give you a break down.

So, I had a happy family. It was contained of my twin brother, mother, father and I. We weren't really rich, but we were happy where we were. Or I thought some of us were. My brothers name is Zachary Liam Millar but Zack for short. My name is Zoey Eve Millar. My moms name is Claire Eve Millar, and my dads name is Connor Millar, or at least used to. It now is Connor Smith. So, my dad started coming home later than usual from work, and has been acting different. My brother and I was around 10. My mom got worried about him and soon found out he was cheating on her. They had a huge fight and just like that I saw my mom crying and my dad packing his stuff up.

Since then, my mom tried her best to raise me single handed but you could hear her crying herself to sleep at night. We never heard back from Zack or my dad. She truly loved him. We moved into another neighborhood because the rent was cheaper. But when I was 12, she couldn't handle it anymore and fell into depression. She couldn't do anything. Since I was only 12, I used whatever savings we had to pay for her hospital bills, medicine, rent, bills, and on groceries for her till I see was 13. I then found somewhere that hired me which was hard since I was only 13, but it was a nice neighborhood so they started off giving me small jobs but at least it was something.

As I got older, I met Lucas. We became close friends and I found out he was in a gang. His dad was the leader, and they soon took me in. They knew everything about my dad, brother, and mom. They were my family now.

They did illegal street racing, street fighting, street dancing, and more. Everything about a gang was illegal anyway. They taught me everything they knew from fighting, racing, drugs, guns, and knives. But they lacked in the dancing department, which was important in a gang if your going to compete with other gangs. That's where I came in, I was soon their dancing choreographer, since dancing was my passion as a kid but I stopped going to the studio at 12.

They never lost a competition in dancing since they found me. That's how good I was, *snort* Until they got into the most biggest competition there is where all gangs are in and whoever wins is immediately the top, and most is named the most powerful gang. They didn't make it to the top. The most dangerous gang that won was called "The Fallen Angels."

Lucas and his dad's Blake gang was called "The Street Thunder Gang." I felt guilty that the choreography wasn't good enough to win but they didn't make me feel bad about. They couldn't make it to the top in other departments as they weren't the strongest gang but they were good. So I soon had 2 jobs and got paid from the gang. I competed sometimes in competitions but not a lot. I loved the adrenaline rush whenever I compete.

So from 12 years old, I raised myself and took care of my sick mother that got worse as I got older. I would get up, cook her breakfast, and get her pills ready so when she wake up she takes them. Then make her lunch and keep it in the microwave for her. I would go to work, to school, back to work, help the gang out, then come home and take care of my mom. Lucas and Blake would help me out by checking up on her when I'm not home.

I finally got home! God, I'm tired from today. I had to work two shifts at the restaurant today as a cashier and waitress, then I went to my second job as a associate at a clothing store. After that, I went to help the gang with a choreography. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Mom, I'm home. Did you take your pills?" I yelled as I looked at through the letter that was on the door mat. It was probably a rent notice. The landlord usually slides the bills under the door. I opened it and skimmed it through. I'm a month behind rent. The money I had saved up from my paycheck and gang went towards my moms pills and hospital visits. I really don't like to take much money from the gang because  as much as they want to help me and I need the money, they need it theirselves to pay other gang members and to put money down for drugs and e.c.t. They're going through a rough time right now, I just take the money I'm suppose to get.

My mom usually responds to me with a simple
"Yes," or something like that in a low voice sounding stressed but I didn't hear anything. She usually keeps her answers short and unresponsive. Was she sleeping? I checked her bedroom, but it was empty.

"Mom?" I called out again.
No response.
I knocked in the bathroom door.

"Ma you in here?" I said but I didn't hear anything.
I opened the bathroom door to find something that changed my life forever. It was second day that changed my life forever starting off with when I was 12 and my father left me.

Hayyy💖So I've been working on this and I've decided to share this with you guys. I swear the book gets better and my writing has improved from the last book😫my loyal readers know what I mean😂This is only a small sneak peek, and I won't be able to update for a while n I'm sorry. Just school, life, stress, and everything is crushing me rn😭so I hope you guys like this new book😊really really would mean a lot to me😘Thank you guys for everything once again❤️
                                    Gossip girl😘

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