Chapter 27

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Zoey POV


"WHAT? What do you want Jax?" I screamed pushing the laptop aside and getting up looking at him.

Ryder was startled from my sudden outburst and jumped up running over to us looking between Jax and I.

"I'm bored," he said flicking my forehead.

"Ow," I said rubbing the spot glaring at him.

"I'm bored," he said scowling and rolling his eyes.

"I heard the first time."

"What do you wanna do?"

"Jump out of a damn helicopter," I exaggerated throwing my arms in the air and falling back onto the floor laying down annoyed.

"Okay, let's go."

"No, are you serious? I was joking."

"I'm not."

"I'm not going skydiving. I'm staying here finishing this report."

"You have a long time until it's due," he rolled his eyes.

"It's a lot to do and if I hold it off its all going to be overwhelming because apparently I'm the only one doing all this!"

"Fine. Come with me and I'll start helping you."

"How about I don't come and you start helping now!"

"Fine, if you want to be difficult," he muttered under his breath.

I was suddenly lifted up from my waist and dumped over Jax's shoulder.



"Put me down!" I screamed trying to wiggle myself off and moved around. He held onto me tighter and slapped me ass.

I gasped.
"Fuck you asshole!"

"Like I said anytime, any day. Now stop moving around."

"Are you serious! We're doing this again! Let me down!"

He walked into the kitchen.
"Rose? Can you get Ryder's leash and put him in my car? Zoey's a handful already."

"Okay Jax," she said laughing at us grabbing Ryder.

"No! Rose! Tell him to let me go! Please," I begged but she just laughed as Jax walked away and threw me into the passengers seat roughly.

Damn. That hurt.
I tried to jump back out but he grabbed my shoulders and put me back in my seat.

His roughness was making me think back to how Chris used to handle me. Pushing me around. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

He leaned over to buckle me and I sucked in my breath at how close he was to me.

He then looked up at have me a slight smile.
"There you go. Don't worry Angel it'll be fun."
He kissed my forehead and closed the door.

I let out a breath and smile to myself. My forehead tingled where his lips just were. Ugh. This boy. I shook my head as he got in the car with Ryder. He handed me Ryder as I took him and set him on my lap.

"This isn't fun! You gotta stop throwing me over your damn shoulder like a bag of potatoes! I mean I am one but still aren't I heavy?"

"Shut up."

"How rude!"

Jax started the car and took off.
I was soon bored. I turned up the radio and rested my head back listening to the music. A song came on that made me jump up. I turned up the volume and started singing a lot.

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