Now, le kiss!

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I have Springtrap have two main sides. One being the evil one, and the other being the shy and nice one. There is a third one, but that only comes out at emergencies.

Me: Ooh, a dare! Let's see...From SunniGamerX ...

SpringtraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapKISS THE GOLDEN FREDDY

Me: 0-0

Nightmare: *sees me* You seem like you have been jumpscared or surprised...Oh well. *leaves* 

Me: *deletes dare before anyone sees it* No one must know...and after chasing salt for half an hour, I think this would be the weirdest dare for Springtrap yet...and Salty bear.

~Time skip brought to you by angry me~

Me: *looking for Springtrap*

Springtrap: *hiding in the safe room*

Me: Spring, you got a dare. And it's for the good Spring, not the bad one.

Springtrap: *shyly comes out of his hiding spot* Y-Yeah?

Me: You have a dare~ But it's weird. *hands him the slip*

Springtrap: *reads it while blushing* WHat In thE-

Me: Your turning insane!

Springtrap: *calms down*

Me: Yes, yes now. Now let's go find salty.

~Time skip brought to you by RJ and VG (Peace!)~

Golden Freddy: *playing a video game by himself*

Springtrap: *walks behind him*

Golden Freddy: Huh? Is anyone-

Springtrap: *quickly kisses him and runs off blushing*

Golden Freddy: 0////0

Me: *watching this* Now, le kiss.

Golden Freddy: THat-

Me: *brings out a sheild*

Golden Freddy: ...wasn't actually that bad.

Natalie: I SHIP IT!!

Kibblez/CupcakeWebkinz: ME TOO!!!

Springtrap: *hiding somewhere else now*

Me: Well...*puts down the sheild* I have no comment.

Kimbu: *chews on the camera*

Me: No! Bad! I'll get you a chew toy later!

Camera: *shuts off*

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