Turkey Maham, Dates, and Fifteen Flying Oranges

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Despite this being late, I decided to do something with the time I had during...well, a few days.

Jacklynn P.O.V

I am so excited for our Thanksgiving! Well, the holiday. And pretty much everything else as well. But I had to slightly panic because of this one, teensey, tiny problem...

I had a date. Specifically with Fred. It was all planned out but because of some...scheduling incidents, as well as random things appearing because the pocket dimension is going out of wack, we had to either cancel it, extend the date, or do it at the same time of Thanksgiving.

We could make turkey puns, so we chose having it as a family date.

But we aren't alone in this. RJ and Hazel are also going to date (courtesy of me getting Hazel to ask RJ out if I took a date with Fred), Nightmare and Ollie (honestly, I was surprised that Ollie actually asked before I even mentioned the date idea), Alec and Star (let's not bomb the entire pizzeria, hmm?) and a few more people. This was a bit more chaotic than usual.

Speaking of chaotic, the kitchen is packed with Chicas and other chefs, making the thanksgiving feast. Tessera somehow has become a chief, as well as a very tall German guy named Philip (but Kasey nicknames him Giant and Stafieltlies, and we don't want to know how we spell it). He is making some sort of potato burrito and I have tried it earlier, and it tastes good.

Animatronics are also bringing tables and chairs together into a large area, but we quickly realized we couldn't fit many of us there. So we decided to hold it at the Park. The thanksgiving feast, at least. For now, the teleporters are opening portals, and pretty much, everything is going smoothly despite Donnie and Austin from Game Theory yelling about how many portals can open some sort of Space-Time warp and something might explode.

If they knew that Alec handles bombs that can also fart, I think the portals will become the least of their problems.

As for what I'm doing...I'm avoiding Kya.

Earlier today, she wanted to try a dress on me. Now, I know this was for good intentions as she knows about my date, but I am no dress person. It looks good...I just figured that it wouldn't look good on me. So, avoidance it is.

But she found me through a complicated network of hugging other people for information. How many people and animatronics, you do not want to know.

"Jacklynn, come on! I bet you look cute in it!" She says as she is dragging my arm towards the room she has left the dress in. I tried pulling back, but being half shocked and very reluctant of moving, it is not working very well for me. "I don't think so Kya." I mutter, but we ended up making it.

I took another look at her dress she made. It was a light blue with darker blue highlights on the ends of the dress. The sewing was white and yellow, making gentle spirals around the midsection before curling upwards to look similar to flames. It honestly looks beautiful. Juuuust most likely on anyone else but me.

"Please! At least just try it on!" She begged, pushing me towards it. I don't know whether I said yes or screamed at her because her shocking was starting to get a bit painful.

But I got it on.

And I realize that it wasn't so bad.

The fabric was soft against me, and it honestly fits very nicely. It wasn't a poofy dress, it was more of a silk that reached down to my ankles and didn't mess with my strides. There was also a small light coat that goes with this, and once I put it on, I felt nice and warm. It was wonderful to me. I guess Kya really enjoyed my happiness because she didn't hug me. That's a plus or minus, I am not sure. Considering I got shocked out of my thinking.

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