Evacuating the Building, Bloody Ears

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Jacklynn: *Playing with a shadow cat that Charlie has and gers a ping on my phone* Oh? *looks at the dare*

I dare Creation to play COD WW2 private beta. XD

Jacklynn: Oh this shouldn't be toooo......... *realizes Creation has a very short temper*

S.Cat: *rubs their head against her arm*

Jacklynn: *pets the kitten* You may want to stay with Night for this, it won't be pretty.

~the previous few days~

Day 1: Ennard was able to get Creation to attempt meditation. After a few minutes of screaming, Creation angrily left.

Day 2: Creation tried again, but each time he says something negative, he will have to hold a kitten for a while and pet them. If he didn't pet them and attempted harm, Chaos and Tessera pretty much fight him until he had to be rebuilt to.....whatever he was.

Day 3: on the Third day of meditation, a cholo came to me...

Day 4: He has improved his mood. Slightly. But he will still rage worse than Wildcat and scream louder than the thunder of a storm. A couple of others went momentarily deaf that day. It was simply because of Mario Kart...

~back to this thing~

Jacklynn: So you go to Night, and I'll evacuate the building, deal?

S.Cat: *mreows, even though it sounded like multiple cats did it, and then jumps into a wall and travels as if a real cat's shadow is being made by an invisible cat*

Jacklynn: *gets up and starts searching*


Night: *currently curled up outside, he is watching Sunny but not making himself noticible*

Sunny: *has been playing with a shadow bird and Owol in a game of chase, and enjoying herself*

Charlie: *resting next to a large shadow of a Doberman* Night, want to hear a fun thing?

Night: *quietly hisses* Yes.

Charlie: When I went to get some berries today, I found a family of wild guinea pigs! Some of them were very sick, but the others were just fine. So I took the sick ones shadows, made them better, and gave it back, so now the guinea pigs are much better!

Night: *he smiles* Well done...

S.Cat: *appears in front of them and gives a loud meow*

Charlie: What's that?

S.Cat: *instead of meowing, they give off a feral growling and a few hisses*

Charlie: Oh....okay then. *stands up* Birdy!

S.Bird: *returns to Charlie, leaving Sunny and Owol*

Owol: *screeches at Charlie and lands, starting to ruffle their feathers*

Sunny: *waves at Charlie, not noticing Night just yet*

Charlie: *she smiles and stomps twice on the ground, and a few seconds later, something opened the portal for her, and she jumps in*

Shadows: *they follow her as if they are just following for a walk*

Night: *finally uncloaks himself and looks at Sunny kindly*

Sunny: *now terrified, she covers her eyes and sits down, shaking*

Owol: *screeches angrily at Night to make them go away, they are scaring Sunny*

Night: *to Owol* Oh, I know....I just wish sometimes that I am not as scary as they seem... *transforms into a large grey and yellow crysral and falls into the portal, closing it*

Owol: *surprised that someone finally understood them, aside from Tessera*


(Disclaimer, I have never played any Call of Duty games so I am going to assume that there is a practice mode for learning the controls, then you are thrown into online gaming, like Titanfall)

Learning the controls:

Creation: So how does this work...? *finally learns how to fire a gun* Oh, this will be easy....

Now lets put him online:

Creation: *has been killed almost immidietly* What!? *sees the name and growls* Oh I am going to kill that son of a b****!!

Fifteen minutes later:

Creation: *he manages to kill five in a row* Ha!! Eat that you no good-- *he gets killed, as he has low health* You. Got. To. Be. Kidding me!!! *growls loudly*

Almost five minutes later:


~meanwhile outside the building~

Pretty much everyone with sensetive hearing: *covering their ears*

RJ: *covering his ears* Owww......

Jacklynn: I agree. *hands some ear muffs to him*

Chaos: *curled up and covering his ears* (I prefer More Loud One's yelling....)

Dark One: (who is More Loud One?)

Chaos: *points to Nightmare with his spare arm*

Nightmare: *is currently being salty and covering his ears*

Jacklynn: I think this is a good cut off....

Creation: *an extremely loud roar that surpasses all his rage*

Camera: *dies worse than my power in the house because ZEUS WON'T SHUT UP*

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