Sister Location: Part 2 (Endings Included)

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There are a lot of 'OH GOD NO' in this chapter in particular.

Me: *after Foxy's jumpscare* Ugh.....never again. *sees that I am in something* Huh?

Baby: *goes through the speach* Shh! Someone is coming...

Me: Screw this I'm moving so I can get out of the suit! *starts wiggling*

Men: Move Bellora into place.

Bellora: *does that siesure thing*

Me: 0-0 Oh my god.

Baby: I'll open the face-plates. That way they can find you in the cameras....

Me: Uh huh. I bet there's a catch--

Baby: I suggest you keep the spring-locks wound up. You don't want to know what happens when they get too loose.

Me: I knew it. -_- *starts tightening up the spring locks, then sees Satan's Children--Minireenas* Hoooooooooooooooooooolyyyyyy--

Minireena: *jumpscare*

Me: DEMONS! *jumps out of my chair and covers my face* Ughhhhhhhhh....

~time skip~

Me: Alright, second time. *sees them again* How do I get them off!? Wiggle? *shakes*

Minireena: *falls off*

Me: OH THANK-- *sees the spring locks red* OH NO!!! I'm going to be purple guy-ed!!

Springtrap: *eating poptarts in the background*

Minireena: *jumpscare*

~after twenty-something fails, I had to look up what I had to do, so I watched Dawko. And oh my god, here's the part when they crawled into the suit~

Me: *insert scared sh*tless face* OH MY GOD NO!! *shakes*

Minireena: *jumpscare* Surprise Motherf--



Everyone else outside the room: *listening to my fails*

RJ: Why does she keep screaming Satan and demons?

Nightmare: She's afraid of clowns and puppets.

Rachelle: But I don't get it....

Nightmare: She's on night four.

Everyone: Ohhh.......

~another time skip~

Me: *trying not to panic in the presence of all these Minireenas* Alright. Alright. The springlocks are all red, but that's fine because I am almost done with the night--

Minireena: *jumpscare*

Me: *ready??? okay, insert TearOfGrace Rage voice*

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