Water, Earth, Fire, Air....Gender?

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Me: *turns on the camera* We got an ask and a dare!

Ollie: Ooh, what is it?

Me: Well, remember how we were gender bent last month--

Ollie: *squeals* No!! Please don't do that again!!

Me: Relax, it's only going to happen to one person, and the ask is for Team SL.

Ollie: Team SL?

Me: Sister Location, do you really think everyone is going to keep saying Sister Location?

Ollie: ....you just did it.

Me: *frowns* I know....it's a habit now. I barely use abbreviations anyway. *smiles* Onto the dare!

~LE moving Time Skip brought to you by crazy friends "high-key" shipping me~

Skullkid: Why am I here

Me: Oh, because I have to go get another person and they are terrifying and hate me. *smiles* So I need your protection!

Skullkid: *sighs* Who is the person?

Me: *looks at the list and pales* M-Monster Vinnie...

Skullkid: The puppet that looks like it should be in Annabel?

Me: *shakes head* Thats Tom. (Tom: *in the background* Hey!)No, the other puppet that looks like it should be friends with Chucky.

Skullkid: Oh. Well then, let's go find it.

M.Vinnie: WhAt dO YoU MeAn bY 'IT'!?

Skullkid: *hisses and moves back* Oh, that one.

Me: You have a dare, and no, it doesn't involve killing anyone. Or making them hallucinate.

M.Vinnie: FiNe...wHat iS It?

Me: You are dared by @-_Van_-  to help Ennard, Baby, and Rachel gender swap Vanessa. REMEMBER, NO KILLING!!

M.Vinnie: *glares at me*

Me: *jumps into Skullkid's arm's like Shaggy and Scoobydoo* Y-Yeah, onward.

Skullkid: *sighs and moves to a different part of the pizzeria*


Ennard: Alright, let's do this!

Rachel: I was able to get Star's book on how to change genders! I'll be the distraction, while Baby reads the spell, and Ennard holds Vanessa still. *smiling*

M.Vinnie: WhAt dO I Do?

Rachel: Not give her a heart attack! *still smiling*

M.Vinnie: MaKEs senCE.

Vanessa: *walking past the hallway* I always though, I might be bad, now I'm sure that it's true....~

Rachel: SHH! SHe's here! *goes to her* Hey Vanessa!!

Vanessa: Oh, hi Rachel! How's it going?

Rachel: Oh pretty goo--AAAHH IT'S MONSTER VINNIE!!

Vanessa: *has her staff out* WHERE!?

M.Vinnie: *eyes widen and then he glares* SoN Of A--

Vanessa: *jumps towards him, but then held back by Ennard, and then instantly changed genders by Baby* What the heck!? *he looks in a mirror* WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK!?

Rachel: *shrugs* What do we do now?

Ennard: *grabs Baby* Run! *runs*

M.Vinnie: *teleports*

Rachel: Well fish-sticks.

Vanessa: *out of anger she punches Rachel*


Me: Well, since Baby and Ennard is gone, I'll just ask the others. *walks up to the Sister Location group* Hey guys!

Team SL: Hey.

Me: @Sweetart-the-fox21   How was your time being an opposite Gender?

FT.Foxy: Not much difference. :/

FT.Freddy: Same here.

Bonnet: I was a pink boy, so it was like me and Bon-Bon switched places.

Bon-Bon: Yeah, I agree.

Me: Well okay then. *shrugs* I guess this happened to have a good ending!

Almighty Author: *breaks down the door* BLAKE GOT HIMSELF ARRESTED BY THE PENTAGON AGAIN!!

Me: Seriously!? That's the seventh time this week! And it's Monday!!

Everyone can hear an angry Popgoes and Blake arguing while the officers are just watching with bowls of popcorn.

Me: *facepalm* Of course.

~next Dare brought to you by Pentagon~

Sister: *giggles and turns the tape recorder on and off multiple times*

M.RAT: *comes out from under the bed* AHAHA!! I got you now you little--

Sister: Nope. Jack needed to do a dare. So I'm doing it for her!

M.RAT: To die?

Sister: Nope! *shoves him towards M.CAT*

Both: *accidentally kiss each other*

Sister: Now that's what I call an OTP! (yes my actual Sister, but this is dared by @PlushieFangirl )

~back to Jack~

Me: Well, This was certainly eventful! Thank you for your patience everyone, and Leave a comment for an Ask or Dare! I'll see you guys--

Springtrap and Kibblez: *tackle me* SCHOOLS OUT!!!

Me: Not for me!! AH!! I'm DORWNING!!

Reaper: That's not how you say drownin-- *accidentally hits the camera with the scythe* Oops.

Camera: *fritz out*

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