Who did it?

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By the way, this is at Night, nearly three o'clock in the morning.

N.Fredbear: *heard something so he's going to check it out*

???: *clanging pots and pans together*

N.Fredbear: Chica?

???: *silence*

N.Fredbear: *pulls out his staff and looks around the room* Hello?

???: *squeak*

N.Fredbear: *looks down* Oh my......

Me: *a baby Jacklynn has arrived*

N.Fredbear: *puts his staff away* Uh....Jack, you okay?

Me: *babbles and squeaks a small dinosaur toy*

N.Fredbear: Um....I think I need to take you to Endo....*tries to pick me up*

Me: *runs away squealing*

N.Fredbear: *grumbles and teleports me back to the lab*


Me: *lands on some potion stands*

Endo: *runs in* I NEEDED THA-Oh........Jacklynn is that you?

Me: *raspberry*

Endo: Ummm......who-how did you get here?

N.Fredbear: I did it.

Endo: WAHH!! *jumps in surprise* Fred, why did you turn her into a child?

N.Fredbear: I didn't do that. I just brought her here.

Endo: Well, now I can-*realizes that I'm gone* Sweet crackers.

N.Fredbear: *looking* Jackie? Where are you?

Endo: Teleport her here or something!!

N.Fredbear: I can only do that when I have a visual of the thing I want to teleport.


Me: *playing with dolls on the hospital bed*


Me: *hides under the blankets and wimpers*

???: Huh? Who's there? *opens the door*

Me: *silent*

???: Come on, that's the worst hiding spot ever. Under the blanket that we can see. Alright, come on out.

Me: *doesn't do what is asked*

???: *sigh* Well, I'll make you come out. *lifts the blanket*

Me: *screams and teleports outside*

R.Spring Bonnie: Huh, no wonder it hid....

~Now in a house in the middle of a forest~

Me: *in the attic*

I.Foxy: *comes around the corner* Ahoy there.....thing.

Me: *looks at him and laughs*

I.Foxy: Arr, who ye laughing at? *picks me up* Oh shiver me timbers! You're Jacklynn!

Me: *nods*

I.Foxy: Freddy!! Come up here!!!

I.Freddy: *walks around the corner* Hmm?

I.Foxy: Look what I found!!! *lifts me up so Freddy can see*

I.Freddy: Oh my! We should try to get her back to normal.

Me: *sneezes then teleports*



Me: *teleports into Kid's Cove*

Ollie: Hello child- *sees who I am* Hey Jack...why are you a kid?

Me: *shrugs*

Ollie: *picks me up* Don't worry, I'll protect you!!! *walks toward the office*

Me: *whines* *has a small bottle in the hand*


???: Well, that went nearly according to plan.

Nightmarrione: Yes, it did work this time.

???: But it did nearly fail though. Do not let it fail.

Nightmarrione: Yes sir.

???: Don't let that happen again, or I swear I'll make your life hell.

Nightmarrione: Understood.

???: *teleports away*

Nightmarrione: *sighs* And I wonder why it didn't work the last time...

You know you can prevent it....but you don't. Instead you just wonder to yourself, and don't take action. The clock is slowly stopping, you need to let it go on, otherwise something might happen, and you'll regret the decision....

Remember, it's your fault for whatever happens next.

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