Looking for the dares and asks~

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Me: *humming Try Everything, but is still a toddler*

Ollie: *looking through the comments* Huh, what do you usually do when you don't have any asks or dares?

Me: *babbles*

Ollie: Right, you're a baby. *looks again* Really? No questions or dares?

N.Spring Bonnie: We should be glad for that.

Ollie: *jumps* AIIIII!!!!!!

N.Spring Bonnie: Shoot....sorry Ollie. I'll go now. *leaves*

Chica: *runs in with Mangle* I heard a scream. What's wrong?

Ollie: *sighs* Nothing, I just got scared....

Chica: Ah. Do we have any dares or asks?

Mangle: Yeah, it's been a while.

Ollie: Nah, we don't. I was just thinking to ask RJ and Hazel to fix Jacklynn, since she's the one who can make random things happen.

Mangle: Aye. What about her friends?

Ollie: Tina is scared of us, Agatha is on vacation, Natalie is working the night shift at Popgoes, Cathy is sleeping, Nathan is making sure that Virtual Freddy is staying put, Jake is mean, and Jay and Moose are already on another mission.

Mangle: How did you remember all of it.

Ollie: I downloaded it onto a safe drive.

Me: *drops a dark red necklace and turns back to normal* Ugh.....what?

Ollie, Chica, and Mangle: JACKLYNN!!! *hugs me* What happened?

Me: ....why are you asking me? I don't even know!!

Ollie: *picks up the dark red necklace* What's this?

Me: *takes it back* Dangerous for animatronics. *puts it in my pocket* And for humans if used badly.

Chica: But what is it?

Me: Well, I have some necklaces....and inside the gems....there are creatures that will help you in battle....but, use them the wrong way, and you might cause extinction across the earth! And that's not an exaggeration of power.

Ollie: Wow. Is it like a pokemon or...?

Me: Not really. They can do more abilities, and they can disobey you if they wanted to. So can Pokemon, but the creatures in this case are more powerful than pokemon. Even the most powerful Pokemon is no match for this creature. *lifts the dark red necklace so they can see*

Mangle: Aye, better keep it away from the shadows. Ya know how they act with dark magic.

Chica: I agree, and don't forget to keep it away from purple guy and Virtua-Freddy. And Chippers Revenge.

Ollie: Ah, so did it turn you into a baby?

Me: No. In fact, it was protecting me from even more trouble. I would have been teleporting all over the world without the creature being with me. It limited my teleportation to the places I've seen that are nearby here...

Ollie: What did turn you into a baby then?

Me: .........I have no idea.

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