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Me: *currently making some sort of breakfast when a dare slip flies into the room and lands on my cereal*

I dare everyone to forget to feed Chaos, and Charlie to annoy him by using Alec as a prop!!

Star: *smashes through a window* Its not my fault!!

Me: Okay, so fourth wall breaker again! I guess you can say that the result of this window breaking, it is CLEAR that someone is worried!

Star: .....where is Nightmare?

Me: *points to the white kitten laying on the table*

Kitten: *purring*

Star: Ohh.....well, see ya later!! *jumps through window again*

Me: ......how does she not get hurt?

Kitten: *mews and leaves the room*

Me: *remembers what I have said last chapter* Well shoot.

~Time skip to after I tell everyone to not feed Chaos any breakfast~

Me: I wish you luck Charlie.

Charlie: Okay! I have an idea in mind! *skips off to find Alec*

Alec: *has been eating waffles*

Charlie: Excuse me, but can you help me with something?

Alec: Uh sure... *puts his fork down and follows her*

Chaos: *has been internally shutting down, he can handle a few days without food*

Charlie: Hi Chaos!

Chaos: *hisses* (Hello Grey Cub, what are you....) *looks and sees Alec, and growls*

Alec: *sweatdrop* So, uh, what did you need help wi- *realizes she ran off* Okay, that's not cool!!

Chaos: *screeches at him* (GO AWAY!!)

Alec: Don't need to tell me twice!! *runs off, but slips on a puddle of water and crashes into a wall* Oww.....

RJ: I'm not surprised that happened, why I am surprised is because Chaos didn't chase him st all.

Kasey: He is restraintful that way, and extremely angry too. *gets out a paper bag* Well, the prank is over. So....Chaos, want some doughnuts? It's like bagels, but eith sugar and frosting!

Chaos: *hisses happily and apporaches, taking a chocolate doughnut and eating slowly*

Delila: *pops out of nowhere and takes a bite out of his doughnut* :3 *poofs up the fur and gently floats down to the floor, mewing*

Chaos: *doesn't mind, and is very happy to actually try something new*

Charlie: *from another hallway* Is Alec still alive?

Kasey: *pulls him from the wall* He isn't maimed.

Alec: *shakes his head and gets up* Okay, well, now to figure out how to increase the range of the fart bombs.

Kasey: *puts a purple poff ball on Alec's head* Chaos?

Chaos: *immideatly tackles Alec to grab the poff ball, and now he is happy to have a toy*

Alec: *fainted from shock*

Kasey: *calls out* If anyone has any healing properties, I think Alec had a heart attack!

Chaos: *still chewing the port ball, now away from Alec*

Delila: *rolls after Chaos, muffled furry mews*


Me: *reluctant and nervous chuckling* So I'm adding more....animatronics, more from The Joy of Creation...

I.Bonnie: *with one arm, signs 'I thought there was only four of us'*

Me: Heheh....yeah, no....there is more.

I.Golden Freddy: *appears and screeches at everyone*

Me: So Golden Freddy decided to join the party, and there is also even more! The Fallen. Also known as the Endos from the basement.

I.Chica: Endos? As in "more than one?"

Me: Yup... ((here is the video, spoilers for the up coming characters if you haven't watched the full play through,))

((To make sure I don't mess up everything, F. Stands for "Fallen", B, R, C, F stands for Bear, Rabbit, Chicken, and Fox, but I'll use the 'nicknames' such as Angel, Blue, Mouth, and Red. Creation is...well...Creation, or the Ennard of TJOC))

Me: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and--

Creation: *roars in the distance* WHERE THE F*** DID THAT SHOCK COME FROM!? *roars in anger and charges through the wall*

I.Bonnie: *does the sign of the cross* ((where you touch your head, mid chest, heart, right))

I.Foxy: *shrieks and jumps into Ignited Freddy's arms*

I.Chica: I have lived a good life...

I.Golden Freddy: *giggles and disspears*


Creation: Does it look like I-- *gets shocked by Narko and yells in anger*

Narko: Jack you better hurry up!!

Me: Right! So I'm adding the C.A.S.E animatronics as well! And the Twisted Ones! And the ever sprawled out rest of the Drawkills, such as the Toy Drawkills!

Creation: *grins and grabs the camera and Jack* Now I got ya!!

Me: *pales* Oh shoot.

Creation: *bites the camera*

Camera: *immidietly blacks out*

Ask and Dare: Five Nights at Freddy's (And FANgames)Where stories live. Discover now