Jacklynn's Birthday (14)

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 Me: *sleeping in my room*

Alarm clock: *squaks it's "beautiful" morning call* BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP BE--

Me: *uses my sword to cleave it in half, then goes back to sleep* Five. More. Minutes.

Dioxi: *scrambles up my bed, using her claws as climbing gear, then sits on my chest*

Me: *mumbles and turns away*

Dioxi: *grabs my ear* WAKE UP YOU LITTLE HUMAN!!!

Me: WAH! *uses my sword and swings it at Dioxi*

Dioxi: *dodges and pulls out her knife* HEY! Don't you do that to me!!!

Calendar: *takes place of the alarm clock* BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP--

Me: *draws out the scissors and glares at the calendar*

Calendar: *stops*

Me: *puts my scissors back* Anyway, what?

Dioxi: *drops the knife and has her ears are down* Did you forget something?

Me: *thinks....* Uhm...I don't think so???

Dioxi: *facepalm* Of course. *jumps off the bed, and walks into the hallway*

Me: WELL GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO!! *throws her knife out of my window*

Dioxi: *gasps and jumps onto the bench near the window, and looks down* MY BABY!!! *glares at me* HOW COULD YOU!?!?

Me: *shrugs sincerely, then runs out of the room*


???: OW! Who threw a knife down here!?

Dioxi: *looks down and smiles like a psycho* YoU agaIN! *laughs and jumps out of the window to grab the certain puppet*

Reaper Puppet: OH SHOOT!! NO NO NONONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!! *keeping her off his face because claws*

~time skip brought to you by a scared tree man~

Me: *after getting dressed, I am eating breakfast, watching Dioxi chase a puppet across the lawn* Hmm...why is everyone waking me up? *remembers the date on the calendar* OH. OHHH!!! *grabs my shoes and coat and gets the heck out of dodge [to my bike] and starts going to the pizzeria*

~meanwhile in a different location~

N.Fredbear: *holding a present* I'll bet she'll like this!

Nightmare: *still human* Please don't tell me it's another joke book.

N.Fredbear: Nope!

Springtrap: Is it a new poptart box? I ate all of hers so...

Kibblez: Spring!

Springtrap: IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT IT TASTE GOOD WITH COFFEE!! *has his ears down and huffs*

N.Spring Bonnie: Is it some art supplies?

N.Fredbear: Nope and nope! You'll see later. But shouldn't you get some presents on your own?

Nightmare: I can't. I'm-- *remembers he's still a human* Oh...*sighs* Spring, where's the money?

Springtrap: I am not telling! *crosses his arms and turns away*

Nightmare: *shrugs* Alright, I'll ask Gold.

Springtrap: *looks worried, then runs over* GOLD DON'T TELL NIGHTMARE WHERE THE MONEY IS!!!!!

N.Spring Bonnie: What does he do with the money anyway?

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