Chained Trials

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He had done it.
When Roy returned home, he didn't give Edward a chance to greet him, as he swooped the blonde into a kiss. When the two pulled apart, the neko looked at him with confusion. "What the hell was that?" He questioned, making Roy laugh.

"I did it Ed!" He cheered. The blonde looked at him.

"What....?" He asked. The raven haired man grinned at the boy.

"I found a way to pay for your freedom!" He cheered. At this, Ed's fluffy ears perked up, and his tail waved around in excitement.

"Really?!" He exclaimed Roy nodded, and Ed tackled him in a hug. Roy chuckled, as the two fell to the ground, with an oof! Ed landed on top of Roy, as the two smiled happily. Once they realized the position however, Edward's
face turned a bright red. Roy chuckled at this, and sat up. Ed was now in his lap.

"So, when do I get to "roam free"?" The blonde asked. Roy looked at him, before gently placing a kiss on his nose.

"Well, let's drive down to the station, and call it a day!" He replied, smiling at him. The blonde nodded and hugged Roy.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed happily. The male returned the smile, and stood up, helping Edward up with him. Together, they walked towards the door, and got inside the car, driving off to the station. Once they arrived, the two stepped out, and walked inside. Officers were everywhere, and staring at the two people.

One of them stepped on Ed's tail, and the blonde let out a yelp. Roy protectively pulled the neko close, and walked. They made it to their destination, and a man with glasses, and silver hair looked at them.

"Yes? What can I do for you?" He questioned. Roy cleared his throat.

"My name is Roy Mustang. And this here is Edward Elric." He began. The man raised an eyebrow.

"That boy, he yours?" The man asked. Roy slowly nodded, thrown off slightly by the question.

"Yes Sir. But, I'd like to buy his freedom." He replied. The man nodded.

"Alright, you know the price I assume?" He asked. Roy nodded in return, and pulled out a folder from his pocket.

"Here." He stated, handing it to the man. The man nodded.

"Alright. You, boy, follow me." He stated. Edward's ears perked up, and he nodded.

"Can I follow?" Roy inquired. The man nodded.

"Yes." The two followed the man with silver hair, and walked until they were in a room. The man seated Edward down on a chair.

"In order for you to prove that you're free, you'll have to earn a tattoo." He explained. Edward nodded.

"So, are you ready?" He asked. The blonde nodded.

"Mhm." He replied. Roy sat and watched as Ed was given a tattoo, signaling he was free. It was a black cross, with a snake woven around it. When they turned to leave, Roy turned to the man.

"One more thing Sir." He began. The man raised an eyebrow. "There's a certain man I'd like to bring to your attention. His name is Envy. I'd suggest investigating his background, and find some dirt there...." The man nodded.

"We've been looking for that man for years now." Roy nodded again and followed Ed to his car.

'Finally....he's free from this hell.'

Love and Chains (Eventual RoyEd) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt