The Real Plan

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Maya POV
Josh is an idiot. His plan is so fucking stupid it hurts my head to think about it

I was in Spanish class with Riley and stiles stiles was actually paying attention to the teacher only because he has a crush on the teacher

It's only been a couple of hours since I met stiles but I instantly like him as a friend he's cool and chill a bad flirt but he seems like Riley with a little bit of josh

He's innocent and pure he defense him self by being sarcastic which is always really funny. Josh says he used to be exactly like Riley and then he changed

"Hola senora Sanchez"
Stiles said as he smiled amd played with his short but long black hair

"Mr.stilinski you already said that."

"Oh yeah."

The whole class laughed especially Mrs.Sanchez

She continued on with her lesson that I didn't really pay attention my mind kinda just drifted off to la la land

And in la la land there's josh.

I started thinking about how he was starting at me during science class. Also how he tried to lie and say he was starting at the wall.

He really isn't a good liar that's for sure

The bell rang and I grabbed my stuff and waited for Riley

Stiles was still staring at Mrs. Sanchez

"Uh Mr. Stilinski the bell rung"
Mrs. Sanchez said

He jumped up and ran out the classroom.
We followed him out to see him holding josh back.

Woah how did he know josh was in trouble

Josh calmed down and walked away from of course Bradley

"Josh what happened"

He looked at Bradley who was smiling and backing up

"Nothing he just got under my skin that's all."
I could tell he was lying

"Stiles how did you know josh was in trouble?"
Riley asked what we were all thinking

"It's a best friend thing I guess I just felt like something was wrong"

"Thank you stiles if you hadn't come I probably would have gotten suspend"

"I'll always look out for you josh......your my best friend."

Josh smiled then looked at me and Riley

"New plane but we will discuss it when we get home to the bay window. Bradley is soo gonna pay."

Josh went straight to his locker and everyone else went to class

I have music class with josh

So I walked over to his locker

"I didn't know you liked music."

"Huh?......... oh yeah I've always liked music I also like art but I feel more of a connection to music than art."

"Well we have music class together so we should probably hurry."

"You like music?"

"Yeah it was either that or band and I like singing better than band"

He smiled at me and closed his locker. We walked to music well technically it's called chorus but everyone just calls it music

I sat next to josh and the teacher began to talk

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