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Josh's POV
I woke up next to stiles and we where cuddling. How did I get from cuddling with Maya to now cuddling with stiles. I looked up and saw Maya Lucas farkle zay Riley and smackle all staring at us. Stiles woke up and looked up also.

"Say cheese."
Zay said as he took the picture.

"Oh my damn. Delete it."
I said as I unwrapped my arms from around stiles and stood up.

"Nope. Now get ready for school kiddies."
Zay said and placed his phone back in his pocket.

I got up and got dressed. I decided to wear all black today. I always look good in all black. I wear it a lot though.

I walked out to see stiles in his favorite red hoodie and black pants. We grabbed our stuff I grabbed a muffin and left for school.

"What's with the all black Josh? You going to a funeral."
Lucas asked.

"What's with all the blue Lucas?"
I said back

He laughed and so did everyone else
"Touché Joshie."

"But like I always say wearing all black is a passion but looking good in it is an art."
I said while winking.

"He does say that all the time."
Stiles said.

We got off the subway and walked into the school.


"Yes babygirl?"
I looked over at Maya who was blushing.

"Whatever happens today I'm never going to leave you. So please come to class."

"I will. I love you"
I said while leaning in to kiss her.

"I love you to baby boy."
She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and strutted off.

I went to my locker to get my science books for first period. I may hate science but the science teacher is pretty cool. Mr.Hudson.

As I walked into science class Maya wasn't there yet so I sat there by myself. For a while.

"Is this seat taken?"
I looked up to see makayla.

"Uh...Yeah by Maya now run along"
I dislike makayla now ever since she kissed me and almost made me lose Maya.

"Well I wanted to apologize for my actions."
She said.

"Out of sight out of mind."
I said

She laughed
"I think your using that phrase wrong."

I thought about for awhile and shook it off.
"Oh well but you get my point."

She nodded her head. She was about to walk off but she came closer to me and placed her hand on my hand.

"Josh I had to kiss you....I didn't want to but it was apart of my brothers plan to ruin you... Which as you can see didn't go as well as he had hoped."
She said she let go of my hand and walked off to her seat.

Maya came to sit next to me and she looked upset. I wonder what happened.

"Maya. Are you okay?"

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