Preperation pt.1

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Maya's POV

I wake up In Josh's room. I roll over closer to his side but I don't feel him over there. "Josh?" I say sitting up. I get up out of the bed and slip on one of his shirts and shorts. I peak my head out the door and I hear yelling.

"Why was Maya sleeping in your room?" Cory I'm guessing was yelling. "Because we were talking and she fell asleep. Why were you in my room." Josh asks he doesn't yell as loud but it's still loud. "Because this is my house and I can go into any room anytime I want." Cory yells back at him.

"Look can you like chill nothing happened" josh says. I smile knowing he was lying. Or hiding the truth. I secretly leave his room and walk into Riley's room. I jump on her bed landing right next to her.

She had the pillow tight over her head. She groaned a bit and removed the pillow from her head. She sat up and smiled at me. "I know what you did last night."

I looked at her confused. "Or should I say who you did last night." My eyes grew big and I sat up also. "How do you know that? Did josh tell you or did he tell Lucas?" I asked frantically. "No, Lucas doesn't know yet and I know because I came back to ask you if you were gonna be here when I wake up. And I overheard the conversation."

My mouth dropped in an 'O' form and I hit her arm playfully. "Sorry I was trying to see if i was going to walk in on anything I didn't want to see and from what I heard I would've." She says laughing.  I just roll my eyes and stand up.

"I would ask how'd it go but that's my uncle and I really don't wanna know the details." She says making a disgusted face. I laugh and nod understandingly. I open her door and head out towards Josh's room.

I open his door and he's sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. He looks up and smiles at me. "Good morning." Josh's says getting up. "What's wrong?" I ask sitting next to him. "'s just Cory he's overreacting and if he figures out that I took your virginity he's gonna cut my head off and hang it on his wall." Josh says clearly over exaggerating.

"Then lets makes sure he never finds out." I say grabbing his hand. He smiles at me as he squeezes my hand. "Okay." I put my free hand on his face and pull him in for a kiss. But of course the kiss was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Hey josh...It's me stiles" josh sighed and got up to open the door. "Come in loser." He says grabbing stiles by he collar and pulling him inside his room. He came in and spotted me with Josh's shirt on. He smiled a big wide smile and looked back at Josh. He walked over to me and grabbed my face and examined me. "Oh my god." He backed away. "I'm telling Riley." He ran out of the room and I looked at josh.

"He knows." Josh said as he left out after him. I walked into Rileys room also to see stiles telling Riley everything. "I know stiles. I heard." She says laughing. "Wait you heard. I thought you were at Lucas house." Josh said you could tell he felt bad. "No I didn't hear that part I heard the conversation part. And then I left."

Josh let out a breath and came inside of Riley's room followed by me. "Well josh how was it?" Stiles asked. I swear he has no sensor. "I'm not gonna tell you." Josh say looking over at Me and Riley. "Oh right girlfriend in the room, we'll talk about it later then?" Stiles asked. Josh rolled his eyes . "Stiles no." Stiles laughs and jumps on Riley's bed. "I was kidding." He says

"Good." Josh says sitting next to him.



I wake up laying next to josh. He's not sleeping he's just playing with my hair. My back is turned to him so he doesn't know that I'm awake. He stops playing with my hair and wraps he's arms around me. He puts his chin on my shoulder and starts kissing my neck. He then pulls me closer to him.

I turn around in his arms and his face turns red. "Oh your awake." He says smiling. "Yeah handsy I'm awake." I say laughing. "Sorry." He slowly retracts his hands but I grab them and put them back where they were. "I didn't say you have to stop." He laughs and puts his hands back where they were.

"What do you want to do today?" He ask pulling me closer until I was basically smushed together. "Nothing...I just want to lay with you." I say putting my head on his chest. He laughs and pulls me closer which I don't know how that's possible. "Isn't prom today?"

I sit up fast and grab my phone. 100 text from the one and only Riley Matthews. "Oh fuck! Josh why didn't you wake me!" I yell jumping outta bed. He laughs "sorry i didn't want to wake you." He gets outta bed slowly unlike me I'm rushing. "Aren't you suppose to be at stiles house getting ready?" I ask stopping once I have all my shit together.

"Yes and that's where I'm going." He slide a shirt on and covers it with a bright red jacket. He slips his Nike black shoes on and opens his door. "After you princess." I narrow my eyes at him in an annoyed way and walk over to Riley's room.

I hear the front door open and close just as I'm about to open Riley's door. Once I open it Riley is sitting there on her phone probably texting me. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" I tilt my head at her as she looks up. Smackle peeps her head out from the closet and smiles at me. Lydia looks over at me.

"There you are. You almost missed the first step of preparation for prom. "I know I'm so sorry I fell asleep and I forgot prom was tonight I could have sworn today was Friday." I say sitting next to her on her bed. "Yesterday was Friday peaches." Riley says giving me a soft smile. "I told ya you should have set an reminder in her phone." Smackle says from the closet as she pulls everyone's dresses out.

"Whatever lets begin the first step of preparation for prom 101." I say adding the 101 only because Riley doesn't like it. She rolls her eyes at me and she takes out the face mask. We apply them and Riley starts doing my nails while smackle does Lydia's.

This is going to be a long preparation.

We are almost at the end of the book :) excited.

Next two chapters are going to be the last ending with josh and maya at prom obviously.



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