No Sex

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Chapter is has a lot of sexual content you can skip if you want

Josh's POV

Maya quickly pulled me into my rooms and locked the door. She sat next to me and stared at me for awhile.

She let out a breath before saying the 4 words that I've always hated..
"We need to talk.."

We just had a good time at the restaurant and then all of sudden things turn for the worse. I know I didn't do anything so what the hell is going on.

"This...why'd you give it to. You don't expect me to do something for you in return or something like that do you?"
Maya said pointing at the promise ring that I gave her.

After all the things I said she thinks I want something from her.

"I gave it to you because I love you Maya....I don't want anything from you except for you to always love me back but other than that that's all you have to do."
I said scooting closer to Maya.

"So you don't want me to..."

"Oh...woah Maya I would never pressure you into doing something you don't want...that's not me. I don't want sex...which I'm guessing is what your asking I want in return. Right?"
I said

I was kinda surprised that she thought I wanted sex in return for the promise ring that I gave her.

"That's exactly what I'm talking you don't want to....cause I'm not ready...matter of fact I don't think I will ever be ready...BETTER yet I don't want to have sex with ANYONE until I'm married."
She said emphasizing every word.

"That's okay...I'm fine with it....let's just hope that I'm the one who gets to marry your beautiful ass..."
I said as I grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of me.

"You want to marry my ass? Your weird..."
She said sarcastically. Trying to hold in her laughter.

"Shit.....can I marry you and your ass?"
I said playing along

She didn't say anything she just rolled her eyes and stared kissing me. I kissed back of course.

This went on for awhile. Her hands running through my hair as always. My hands running around her lower back area.

" it?"
She asked trying not to break the kiss.

"Did you just moan?"
I asked completely ignoring her question.

"Answer my question dickhead."
She said hitting my chest as she sat up.

" is 11:59"
I said looking at the clock on my wall behind Maya.

"Your hands are in a very interesting place right now..."
She said looking at me.

"What? On the ass that im gonna marry some day?"
I said being completely sarcastic.

"Shut up dimwit...let go of me so I can go to Riley's room..."
She hit my chest once again.

I ignored her and pulled her back down on me and started to kiss her again.
I said still kissing her.

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