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This book is kinda getting long and pointless :/ so I'm gonna end it in the next couple of chapters.

This chapter is gonna be fast forward a couple of months later.

Josh's POV

"Prom is right around the corner." Stiles says to me as we are walking down the halls. Stiles has been dating Lydia since there first date when he freaked out and blurted out that he liked her and wanted her to be his girlfriend. Not in that order of course. "Yeah I know." I say looking over at him. He's shaking nervously.

"Who are you gonna ask?" He asks me knowing the answer already. "Who do you think?" I say stopping infront of my locker that is only inches away from Maya's. She sees me and smiles as she's walking with Riley and smackle. "Maya,right of course that was a dumb question..." stiles says looking down. I put my hands on his shoulders "look man I have it all figured out on how you're gonna ask Lydia." I say smiling at him. He lets out a breath. "High school musical style except bigger?" He asks smiling. I nod slowly. "I already have the whole thing planned out just like you told me back in freshmen year."

Stiles had told me how he wanted to ask a girl to prom freshmen year. He's always been obsessed with prom. I don't know why but I don't pick on him for it. Today is the day that I'm gonna help him ask Lydia to prom. In the cafeteria it's gonna be just like his wildest dreams and more. That's for sure. "Hi babe." Maya says tapping my shoulder making me notice that she was behind me.

"Oh hey...I got to get to the cafeteria but I will see ya later though correct?" I say running off quickly. She nods in confusion. Not only have I been planning stiles prom proposal but also mine. And I still have to give each letter to all of Maya's teachers and then stuff one in her locker and makes sure the banner is hung it's just a lot of work that I have to put into this prom proposal thing.

I drop off all of the letters to each of her teachers and run off to the cafeteria to set up stiles prom proposal. I handed the people who agreed to help a bouquet of flowers and others confetti launchers. The bell rung which meant it was time for lunch, stiles busted in the cafeteria wearing a shirt with Lydia's face on it. "I thought we agreed not to wear that shirt because it was creepy?" I ask pointing at his shirt. "Oops to late." He says sarcastically I shake my head and continue with the plan

Lydia walks in and the people with the flowers start handing her flowers on top of flowers. She takes them and smiles. Stiles then stands on the table with his own bouquet of flowers. I untied the rope that was hiding the banner,

It read: will you be the Allison to my Scott and dance with me at prom?

The only reason I thought of it was because they both like the show teen wolf. "Lydia Martin will you go to prom with me?" Stiles screams from the top of table as Lydia stops in front of his table. "Yes stiles I'll be the Allison to your Scott and go to prom with you." She says smiling as she gets on top of the table with stiles. I snap my fingers just as they were about to kiss and the confetti launches into the air.

Maya slides next to me. "You're really good at prom proposals."  She says nudging me. I smile at her and look down. "Speaking of prom proposals...I got to go." I say as I run out of the cafeteria straight to Maya's locker. I stuff the letter in her locker and run off to get the banner and other things that I have to take care of.


It's the end of the day which means it's time for my prom proposal to Maya. I've been avoiding her all day and when I finally walked up to our group she walked away not before shooting daggers at me. She stopped at her locker as she stood there standing next to Riley. I eased dropped just a little bit.

"Riley...I think someone else is gonna ask me to prom." She says nervously. Riley looks completely shocked which makes me chuckle just a bit. "What? You're gonna say no right?" Riley ask looking worried. "Well....what if josh isn't even gonna ask me, or what if he asked someone else." She says in a sad tone. "He didn't ask anyone else we would know by now." Riley says folding her arms. Maya nods as she opens her locker. This was my cue.

The letter fell out on to the floor as she picked it up I ready myself to press the button and make the banner fall and the music start to play. The letter that I stuffed in her locker after lunch read.

I don't want to live forever, I'd rather live in the moment with you at prom?

I pressed the button and the banner fell which read the same thing as the card. And the song started blasting through the school speakers. Zayn Malik and Taylor swift I don't want to live forever.

Maya's absolute favorite song at the moment. She looked around and spotted me smiling. I was holding two tickets to prom and a bag of tacos instead of flowers. I started walking up to her and she started backing up against her locker.

"You didn't think I forgot about prom did you? Or that I asked someone else?" I ask playfully. Talking loudly over the music. "Now you know my question but I don't know your answer?" I say tilting my head at the banner and the card. "So what's your answer?" I ask handing her the bag of tacos which she gladly takes and puts on the floor. She comes back up and wraps her arms around me.

"Of course I'll go to prom with you..." she says as she smashes her lips onto mine. That when I press another button and the confetti launches out from every which direction. "You really love confetti don't you?" She ask picking the confetti out of her hair. "You can say that I'm a fan of this so called confetti." She laughs at my stupidity. She picks up the bag of tacos and begins to chow down on one of the tacos.

The song is still playing as she's eating on her taco and singing the words to the song. I smile at her cuteness.

Short chapter all about prom. Like I said this book will be ending soon.

Hope you enjoyed this cute little chapter. The prom proposal for josh was created by me. It was really hard to come up with cause I didn't know if it made sense. LMAOO

Next chapter coming soon


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