I Got The Tape.

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Maya's POV.
It was Saturday morning and I had been up mostly all night thinking about Josh and that half naked girl he was with.

There was a lot of things to think about. The whole situation didn't add up. Why would he still have his jacket on while he was shirtless with the rest of his clothes on even his shoes were on.

I didn't really see how they were laying considering the fact that I ran out before he could even get up.

I started thinking about how he beat up Bradley and the reason he gave. What could Bradley have possible done to deserve a bloody face.

Like when I saw Bradley he looked almost as worst as the first time Josh beat him up bad. But this time he had more bruises and a lot more blood was coming from his lip and his nose.

"Maya why are you up so early?"
Riley said siting up

"I've been up for awhile."
I said. She wrapped her arm around my arm and laid her head in my shoulder.

"Thinking about Josh?"

"Of course..."
I said looking at her.

She got up and sat on the bay window and stared back at me which indicated that I was to follow her.

I got up and sat next to her.
"Let it out peaches...whatever you need to do yell cry punch things...preferably not me."

I smiled and looked at her.

"Do you actually think Josh cheated on me with that girl?"
I asked facing her now.

"I don't know Maya...I don't know what josh did and didn't do but I do believe that he was in the wrong. He should have never been in the room with that girl.."
She said holding my hand.

"Yeah your right it's just tha-"
Before I could finish Josh walked in. Or open the door.

"What do you want?"
Riley said as she looked towards the door.

"Uh..food...the food is done.."
He was stuttering a lot he could barley finish the word food without messing up.

"We're coming.."
Riley said she turned back to me and gave me the are you ready look. I nodded and we got up.

She walked out first but not before giving Josh the stink look. I walked out but Josh grabbed my hand.

"Can I tal-"
I snatched my hand from his grip.
And walked away. I sat down next to Riley.

Josh came in and sat in his usual seat which was next to me. Wonderful right. The whole time stiles was staring back and forth from Josh to me and Riley was staring from Josh to stiles.

"So like where's my parents Joshua?"
Riley asked a bit harsh toned.

"They went out and auggie's at Ava's house."
Josh said looking down at his food. He didn't eat it he just played with it.

He put his fork down and looked at me
"Maya I reall-"
I stopped him from finishing his sentence he was kinda getting in my nerves now.

I yelled standing up over him.

He stood up and faced me but he moved closer.
"Maya just let me tell you what happened."

"No! I don't want to hear it....it doesn't matter..."

"If it doesn't matter how come your still wearing my necklace?"

I looked down at the necklace. I held on to it with my hands for dear life. I didn't want to take it off it was special to me.

He cut me off

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