Preperation pt.2

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Josh's POV

"Dude....put this on." Stiles says as he hands be the tie. "No I want to wear the bow tie like we all agreed on." I say back.

We've been arguing like this ever since I've gotten here. He always wants to change things last minute. Right now we are arguing over bow tie or tie. I say bow tie he says tie. We asked Lucas farkle and zay to be the tie breakers but all I get from them is..."it doesn't matter to us."

"You know what fine I'll wear the tie my damn self." Stiles says finally giving up on the arguing. "Fine. Hell if I care!" I yell back at him looking away crossing my arms. He does the same and Lucas farkle and zay all laugh. "Y'all are such five year olds." Zay says taking a three bow ties off the dresser and handing them to Lucas and farkle.

"Whatever. Stiles is being stupid. Ties are for weddings." I say. Then thinking about instantly wanting to take it back since there not just for weddings. "You know what josh. You're right this tie doesn't look right with the suit. I'll have a bow tie." He says taking the brightly colored tie off. I must've forgot to mention that the tie was a bright purple with black Polk dots.

Sometime I wonder where he finds this stuff. "I wonder why." I say rolling my eyes as I grab a bow tie for him and me. I walk out of the room and into his bathroom. "Hair time okay." I say letting out a breath. "Hi josh.." I look over at the door.

My mouth drops into an "O" form. I may never mentioned this but stiles has an older sister that i used to kinda sorta have a thing for. And it wasn't like one sided she liked me to but it was the fact that I was a junior and she was a senior. She has to be like 20 now or maybe 21. "Allison? I didn't know you were gonna be here." I say staring blankly at her

"Yeah well I couldn't miss my little brother going to prom, especially with a girl that he didn't try to bribe....major step in the right direction for a 'ladies man' like him." She says air quoting ladies man. I laugh and look down. She comes into the bathroom and makes me jump away from her.

"Why so jumpy joshie?" She ask tilting her head. "I'm not jumpy I-I just nervous about prom that's all." I give her a forced smile she nods. "Come here let me help you with your hair." She reaches in the cabinet for stiles hair products and sprays them in my hair she then makes my hair stand up.

It's a good thing I got a hair cut or it would be way to much hair standing up. Five minutes later she's done. "All done." She claps her hands and backs away from me. "And josh?" She says before leaving. "What happened between you and I won't happen again. So you don't have to be so jumpy with me. I won't try anything." She leave the bathroom and I let out a heavy sigh.

I go back into stiles room. "Your sister is here." Stiles closes his eyes and whispers the word shit. "I totally forgot to tell you man, I know what happened between you and her you twos little secret thing or whatever but uh...she wanted to see me off to prom an-" I stop him right there not angrily or anything but happily.

"It's okay stiles. I'm fine she's fine we are both fine. Now we are just friends okay?" I say relived that she isn't still chasing after me. "Good cause I don't want this prom night to go in the wrong direction." Stiles says. He had already did his hair after he put his shirt on. He slipped on his shoes and headed down stairs where Lucas farkle and zay were all waiting for me.

"Ready to pick up the girls?" Lucas says standing up. Farkle hands us all our corsages even zay gets one. "Zay who are you taking?" Stiles ask what everyone is thinking. He smiles and nods slowly. "Vanessa my cheerleader girlfriend." We all nod remembering him being her up once.

"Wait I must get my picture.." stiles mom comes out with her camera. Followed by Allison. She smirks and takes out her phone. "Your bow tie is crooked josh..." she says to me I look down at it. Before I can fix it myself she already has her hands on it. "There, all better." She backs away. "Okay come closer arms around each other." We all out our arms around each other's shoulder and smile wife and big for the picture.

"Mama...we are going to be late." Stiles says. His mom grabs her keys and Allison grabs her. Cool she's coming with us.


Stiles bangs on the door and auggie opens it. He stares at us for awhile before he starts yelling. "Girls your dates are here!" He yells leaving away from the door. We come inside as We are greeted by topanga. She covered in make up lines and nail polish. Someone's been hard at work. She smells of hairspray and girly perfume.

"Boys follow me." Cory says coming out from the hallway. We follow him to his and topangas room he shuts the door and he starts to inspect us. "Clean shoes. Bow ties straight. Hair, perfect." He stops and smells us. He grabs and small bottle and cologne. "Open mouths." We all do as we are told and he sprays the small bottle into our mouths.

"Arms up." He sprays the cologne all over us. "No wrinkles. Good job boys." He puts down the stuff but then turns around abruptly. "Where are the corsages young men!" He yells we quickly point to outside. He lets out a breath and he opens the door for us to leave. "Remember 18 inches apart when dancing, no funny business." We leave the interrogation and back into the living room.

"That was..." I start to says but each boy inserts what they thought it was. "Weird." Lucas says "scary." Zay says. "Funny." Stiles says. "Nerve racking." Farkle says I nod my head "farkle is correct."

"Okay guys your dates have arrived. " topanga says allowing each girl to come out. First there's riley then Vanessa then Lydia, smackle. And lastly Maya. Speechless each girl looked amazing. Cory clears his throat applying for us to say something. " all look..." farkle starts to finish but ends up passing out. Luckily I catch him before he falls. "Not now farkle." I say as I slap him softly to wake him up.

He stands up and stares again. "Corsage time." Cory says trying to move things along. The guys all walk up to there dates and place the corsages around the girls wrists. I look up at Maya who's smiling at me. "You look very beautiful." I say. She looks down in blushes. "And you look extremely handsome, you smell good to." She says laughing. "You can thank cor for that."

"Okay picture time." Topanga says grabbing her camera.

10 minutes later.

Finally picture time is over and we can leave. I was tired of switching spots and changing positions. "Now guys, prom is a very special night. So special that you shouldn't have to drive to it yourself." Cory said as he reached into his pocket. "Which is why I got you a limo and a limo driver. He came with the limo." Cory says shaking the keys to the limo and him strapping a limo persons hat on.

The girls smiled really big and Riley hugged her dad. "Thank you dad." She says in a high squeaky voice. He hugged her back. He walked us out to the limo and opened our doors. He hopped in the front seat and started to drive to the school.

"Who was the brunette?" Maya finally asked a question I was waiting for her to ask for a long time. "That was my sister." Stiles says looking over at me. "Ohh I didn't know you had a sister" she says looking over at him. "Yeah josh knew. I'm surprised he didn't tell you." Stiles says looking over at me.

Yes stiles still is a little mad that his sister and I had anything but he would never say anything that would bring up the idea in Maya's head that I still have feelings for her. "We have arrived. Have fun guys." Cory says stopping the limo. "Eh and what did i say?" He says as we are getting out the car. "18 inches apart no funny business!" We all yell as we slam the door.

Time to have the time of our lives. Right?

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