Love Me.

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Maya's POV
Did Josh just break up with me. Or think I broke up with him. What the hell just happened. All I know is it felt like a weight was pressing down on my chest. It started becoming really hard to breath. And I felt tears rushing down my eyes.

Riley instantly lunged towards me and wrapped her arms around me. More and more tears rushed down my face. I couldn't stop crying.

I had fallen for Josh harder than i thought. Harder than anyone could ever fall for anyone. And now I might have just lost him.

I Love Joshua Gaberial Matthews.

And now he's gone all because I never listen to my heart when it tells me what I should do. So far my heart has been right. I guess I'm just afraid to listen to my heart because I don't want to get hurt when someone leaves.

But I don't care anymore he's already left. Because I didn't have the guts to tell him that I love him to.

Riley was still comforting me when stiles walked in. He obviously knew what was going to happen but I guess he hoped it wouldn't.

"No Maya you didn't? You didn't break his heart you told him you love him  right?"
He looked at me with his sad eyes. 

"Stiles...I do love Josh but he left."

"What do you mean he left."

"I didn't tell him I love him because I was afraid to he saw me crying and thought he did something wrong and so he thought I wanted to break up with him. So he said it's okay and left.."
I was still crying and sniffing as I said these things

"So he's out there by himself. All alone with a broken heart? Oh fuck he's gonna do something! Where did he say he was going."

Stiles was freaking out he was pacing back and forth and he was breathing hard.

"He didn't he just left."
Riley said. She was starting to get worried.

"Wh-what do you mean he's going to do something?"
I asked  still sniffing.

"I mean he's going to do something bad the last time he got his heart broken he changed so fast and there was no bringing him back you just had to let him play it out. And so now he's about to do the same thing I have to find him before he does.."

"What bad things would he do?"

"I don't know Maya end up in jail bad."

I was already worried enough now he might be doing something that could get him in jail?

"Stiles lets go farkle zay come on"
Lucas said he pulled his keys out of his pocket and started walking towards the door with the boys behind him.

"I'm coming to"
I said and stood up as did Riley and smackle.

"No you three our gonna stay here.."

I looked at stiles and grabbed his shirt

"Stiles I'm going to. I love Josh and I'm going to fix this so its either you let me come or I will lock all the boys in this house while me Riley and smackle look for Josh."

"Okay okay fine but when we do find him just wait for me to tell you to come out please?"

I rolled my eyes and we headed out to Lucas car I sat in Riley's lap so there was enough room and smackle sat in farkles. Zay sat in the middle while Lucas drove and stiles in the passenger seat

Josh's POV
I don't know exactly where I'm going but I'm just walking. I've been crying for awhile. My eyes were red. And it felt like my chest was being stomped on over and over again.

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