Girl meets prank

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Maya POV
I woke up to the sound of the alarm click ringing for us to get up and get ready for yet another long day in HELL.

I got up and dressed did all the things that you do to get ready for school in the morning I even had extra time to sit there and sulk before I left Riley's bedroom and ran to the kitchen to see my already made plate and my seat between Riley and josh

"Good morning Matthews."

Said a tired looking boy which of course was stiles

"And stilinski."

"Well good morning Mrs. Hart how are you on this lovely day?"
He said in his fake British accent

The whole table laughed and continued to eat

"Okay gotta blast lets go girls and boy."
Josh said and grabbed his bag and headed towards the subway we all did the Same

We met up with farkle Lucas zay and smackle at the subway doors

"Okay so the reason I wanted you all out so fast is because part 1 of the plan starts today"

"But how the party isn't until Saturday which is tomorrow."

"Exactly I want him to know that we are coming for him."

"Well what do you have in mind?"
I asked

Josh had a devilish look on his face

"We get him suspended."

"We can't do that!"
Lucas said

"Why not."
Stiles yelled back

"Because his dad is the principal"

"That's even better oh yes this plan is soo gonna be good."
Josh said as he rubbed his hands together and looked at stiles

"Okay I got a spray bottle toilet paper and duck tape."
He pulled out 2 bottles of spray paint 3 rolls of toilet paper and 2 rolls of duck tape

"Where are your books"
Farkle asked with a disgusted look on his face probably because he didn't have any books in his book bag

"I don't know ask stiles."
Josh said without a care in the world

"Okay so maya and I will do the spray painting an-"

"Wait a minute why can't I do the spray painting?"
Riley asked

"Because you'll just paint purple cats everywhere"

"Okay I see your point continue."

"Like I was saying maya and I spray paint duty zay and Lucas duct tape and stiles baby you toilet paper duty."

Stiles said he seemed a little to excited about this whole plan

"Okay stiles I want you to tee pee the principals office and then after stiles gets out Lucas and zay duck tape the door together."

"Got it"
Zay Lucas and stiles all said at the same time

"Now the most important part the way we don't get caught zay and smackle distract the principle and riles you distract Bradley"

"Yay distraction duty."

"Okay but what is the spray paint for?"

"We're going to spray paint principle perry likes fairies and then we're gonna spray paint Bradley rules to make it seems like he did it."

"Got it but you do know they have cameras right?"

"That's why stiles is going into the principals office to shut them down"

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