Not Over Yet.

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This is the last chapter of this book. Hope you like it.

Josh's POV

"Holy fucking shit..." stiles says looking around at the decoration. They really went all out for this prom. There wasn't a theme or anything it was just color mixed with a bunch of 3-d decorations. "Wow this is amazing." I say finding all of us a table to sit at. "Who wants punch?" Lucas asks. "I'd like some punch." Maya says looking over at me.

"Punch coming right up babes." I grab Lucas and pull him to the punch table. "Do you think they spiked it yet?" We heard stiles say making us jump. "Fuck stiles." Lucas says letting out a breath. "Stop doing that!" I yell. He laughs and rolls his eyes. "Get the girls punch first then spike it." I say pouring the un-spiked punch into the small glasses. I carry two back and so does Lucas and stiles. "Punch for the lovely ladies.." stiles says handing smackle and Lydia the cups.

"Why'd you get an extra one?" Riley ask pointing at the one I'm holding. "Punch for the lovely stiles." I say handing him his punch he smiles and downs it all in one sip. "Okay we will be right back." Stiles pulls me over to the punch table and pours the alcohol into the punch.

"Done, lets go..." he grabs me and we come back to our table. "Did y'all spike the punch?" Maya ask letting out a sigh. "Yes but if anyone ask Bradley did it." Stiles says quickly. He sits down and watches people take cup after cup. He laughs, "oh what amateurs" he says looking back over at us.

"Yeah, sure I gotta use the bathroom, girls." Maya says getting up. All the girls do to including Vanessa. They walk off towards the exit of the gym. I never really noticed how big the gym was until now. "Why do girls do that?" Stiles ask watching the girls disappear out of the gym. "There's strength in numbers." Farkle says. "No it's so they can talk shit about us and fix there hair and makeup all that girly stuff." I say hitting stiles arm playfully.

The boys all laugh and we sit there and talk about sports until farkle gets bored so he bores us with his science talk. Finally the girls come back laughing and smiling. "We're back bitchess." Maya says sitting down on my lap. "Thank god..." Lucas says rolling his eyes. "Farkle was boring us with his science talk" I say explaining to the girls.

"Ooo science talk.." smackle says shivering just a tad. "What a turn on." She says. Farkle smiles and nod his head. "Yeah such a turn on" I say sarcastically. "Whatever...y'all were boring me first with sport talk." Farkle says.

"Oh my god shut up and let it go would ya?" Riley says as she grabs Lucas hand. "Come dance with me." She pulls him to the dance floor. "Wanna dance?" Stiles asks Lydia. She looks over at him with a raised eyebrow. "No thanks." She says looking back at her punch. Stiles stands up and comes face to face with her.

"Okay let me try this again....Lydia get off your cute little ass and dance with me." He says sternly which catches everyone off guard. Zay and Vanessa slowly get up and head off to the dance floor followed by farkle and smackle. "But stiles I can't dance...." she says looking up at him. "I'll teach you...come on." He grabs her hand and they head off to the dance floor like the other couples.

"Guess it's just you and I now." Maya says looking back at me I sigh. "You wanna dance don't you?" I ask looking at her. "I would love to dance with you Joshie thanks for asking." I laugh as she pulls me over to the dance floor. Once we get there a slow song starts playing. "Look at that all you have to do is a one step two step." She says taking my hand.

We dance in silence for awhile, her head on my chest swaying back and forth. "Maya?" I say she moves her head off of my chest and looks up at me. I smiles at her. "Yes?" She asked a look of confusion on her face. "I think the long game is over now." I says as I sway with her back and forth. "What do you mean?" She asks a look of pure confusion on her face. "Exactly what I said. We're done with the long game. It's over." I say trying to get her to understand what I'm trying to say. "Are you breaking up with me on prom night?" She ask the hurt in her voice.

I laugh at her obliviousness. "No. I'm saying that there is no need for us to play the long game anymore."

"Why is that." She ask calming down just a tad. "Because I'm yours now. We won, you won the long game Maya...." I say looking into her bright blue eyes. "I'm yours and I will forever be yours. There's no need for us to play the long game." I say she smiles at me.

"I love you Joshua Matthews." She says putting her head on my chest "and I love you Maya hart." I say back spinning her around as she laughs. I pull her back to me and sway once more.

"But the long game isn't over until we are married." She says smiling at me. "So I guess it's not over yet huh?" I laugh and she smiles. "No, it's not over yet." She smiles as I pull her back.

Out of all the things I want in life. Maya hart is always been something I never thought I'd be able to have but now, dancing with her I finally realize that she is the only thing that I will ever have. When people ask me later on in life, what was your biggest accomplishment as a teenager. I wont hesitate to say,

My biggest accomplishment was Maya Penelope Hart. The love of my life

And as much as I want to tell you that this is it for us, it's not. You might think this is how the story of Maya and josh ends but as Maya says, it's not over yet.

We are just getting started.

That's the End of this book. Maybe there will be a sequel ;) not sure if I want to write a sequel yet.

But thank you for reading this book and leaving comments and stuff like that I very much appreciate it.

Hope you enjoyed the last chapter


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