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Josh's POV
Fuck Bradley making me admit my feelings about Maya. God why the hell did I come to this fucking school. Why the hell do I have feelings for Maya.  I shouldn't have feelings for her not only because she's Maya and she younger than me only by a year so we could totally date if she w-DAMNIT JOSH STOP THAT.

"Josh dude are you okay?"
I turned around to see stiles

This dude has came to Check up on me twice today. Man I love this man he always makes me see the brighter things that happened

"Yeah no I'm not okay I just beat Bradley's ass again I could get suspended and Maya knows about my feelings for her and she doesn't even like me."

"Hey if you get suspended then I will get suspended with you okay. And if Maya doesn't like just remember...I like you."
He gave me a reassuring smile

I started laughing

"I like you to Stiles...will you be my boyfriend?"

"Huh oh joshie I would love to!"

We both said in a sarcastic voice we also both started laughing.

"No but seriously if she doesn't like you in that way then she's totally missing out your the best."

"Thanks I should probably go to my next class."

I walked off to Art class and guess who's all in this class you'll never guess

Maya, Riley Lucas farkle smackle stiles Bradley and makayla. 

And of course the teacher made me sit next to Maya.

"Hi Josh."

I looked over at her.  And I just couldn't speak I don't know the words wouldn't come out

"What Josh is trying to say is hi Maya. Now you try Josh."
I looked up at stiles and gave him the go away before I choke you.

"Coming with the purple paint Riley!"
He  walked away back to his seat next to Riley.

"Josh can we talk after school please?"

"Yeah Maya."

The class flew by quick it was not time for everyone to show what they drew

Riley drew a (you guessed it) a purple cat  

Farkle  drew a bunch of science symbols same as smackle.

Lucas drew a baseball coming at you which I thought was really cool

Then it got to Maya and she held up her drawing it was a heart in half with two hands pulling it apart.

"Wow Maya."
I looked at her picture and then at her


"Maya your picture is really artistic it speaks to me."

"And Josh what is your picture about it makes my heart hurt."

"It's about exactly what you see."

"Well I see a boy with hearts all  around his head and then a blonde girl with a shirt that  has a hearts on her shirt  but there all broken and the guy kinda looks like he's bleeding and he's only staring at the blonde girl when there are what looks like a thousand girls around him"

I looked at Maya who was also looking at me

"Well Josh I would like to take you and Maya's picture and hang them up there...amazing"

"Uh...yes totally."

I handed him my picture and Maya handed him hers. The bell rang and I grabbed my book bag and left the class.

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