August 24th, 2014

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August 24th, 2014

          "I'm so sorry, O.

           I didn't realize.

            I had a life, I had a normal childhood, normal teenage years, a family, friends like Steve. I forget sometimes that you didn't have that; I know what HYDRA is capable of, but I tend to forget that you never had any of those things. You yelled at me for the first time today, and I can't get over it. Staying inside this apartment is hard, I'm just scared of you going out. I'd never tell you that you can't, I want you to have a life, and I've told you that you can leave at any time. I need you, but I need you to do what you have to do. I'm out almost every night, and I know that is hard on you. I'm sorry I took you so far away from the few people you considered your friends, and now you have no one but me. I want a normal life for you, I'm just scared of what consequences might follow.

          I'm going to figure this out."

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