See Me Chapter One

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I always wondered if Liam Jesop feels the same way about me as I do about him. Doubtful, I mean, not to be cliché, but I'm the nerdy, shy, smart girl, and he's the school hottie.

How can it be anything but cliché? It's the perfect example of book clichés - where the hot high school alpha male falls for the geeky school outcast. only thing is, it's not like that with Liam and I. He cares about me - we're best friends - but he could never see me as anything more. Sadly.

"Sierra!? Get your butt down here! Liam's waiting for you outside!" Mom calls up the stairs. I would be irritated if I weren't panicking that I am still in bed.

Side note - someone once told me that Sierra is a a serious white trash name. Like, what? Who says that to another person? What makes a name a "serious white trash name?"

I frantically throw on some acceptable clothes and brush my teeth and hair before rushing down the stairs to find Liam standing at the bottom looking impatient. Only thing I can say is that he looks so good.

His hair is curly and brown, his eyes piercing green, and his smile is... well I'm not quite sure because right now he's frowning at me.

"CC, what the hell is taking you so long?!" he cries, and I know my mother must have already left because Liam would never swear if she were around.

"Chill, chill! Just got a bit delayed," I lie as I jam my feet into my flats.
"If I get an E3 this week it'll be your fault. One more detention and coach says I'm off the team!''

"Relax, I'm ready lets go!" Liam is constantly worried about his reputation and about his status on the soccer team. He apparently needs it for college, even though his parents are loaded and he's and only child. I mean really, where's all that money going except to him?

Once we get in the car Liam drives hurriedly to school and barely even looks over at me.

"Are you okay?" I ask carefully, treading lightly, "You know we aren't actually going to be late right? we have, like, fifteen minutes."

"What?" he says, like I've jerked him out of his thoughts. "Oh yeah, sure I know."

"Is this about a girl?" I question, even though it kills me to do so. By now the pain of loving and not being loved back has faded into a dull sort of throb in my heart. It only hurts if I think about it.

"Why would you say that?" he asks, and I chuckle.

"Because your life revolves around girls and soccer," I laugh and glance over, expecting to see that familiar, cocky smirk that Liam is constantly sporting, but it's not there. In its place is something a bit more startling.


Liam Jesop never gets hurt. We tease each other all the time! Throwing insults back and forth because we know they mean nothing.

"Is that really what you think of me Sierra?" uh-oh Ithink to myself. Liam only ever calls me by my full name if he's upset.

"No! Of course not! I was just joking Liam. You're great."

"Why don't I believe you?" He asks, and the smirk has returned at last.

"Because you can read me - "

"Like a book," he finishes for me, flashing me that award winning smile that has all the girls swooning by the time we pull into the school parking lot.

Being best friends with Liam isn't the way you'd think it is. There is no automatic transferal of coolness from him to me. Liam's still cool, and I'm still not.

The popular people still ignore me, and they ignore the way that Liam treats me. I am not accepted, but it is accepted that Liam accepts me. Make sense? Good.

Take today at lunch for example. I'm standing in line with my best friend Laya waiting to buy some of that pathetic excuse for food sold by the lunch ladies when I feel a pair of arms come around my waist. Who else but Liam?

He rests his head on my shoulder and I turn to his smiling face. At least he got over that foul mood he was in earlier.

He's standing with some of his friends - Joey the long-boarder with the shaggy hair, Jessica the Alpha female, societies example of perfect beauty - thin, clear skin, etc. you can figure out the rest. As usual, they pretend that they don't see what's right before them. But they do, and they hate it.

"How's your day going, CC?" he asks sweetly, and I have a flash of Liam's many different personalities - jock Liam, jerk Liam, cocky Liam, flirty Liam, and then, my favorite, my Liam. The way he is only with me.

"Good so far, except Mrs.Arbransky decided that she doesn't like my sketch." I sigh, and I know that Liam will understand. He always does.

"The one of our treehouse? But that was great!" A little thrill goes through me at hearing Liam call it our treehouse. "What did he say she didn't like about it?"

"Ummm, something about lacking character and personality. He said I should choose another subject for the project."

"Weird." The line creeps forward at a snails pace and I imagine what it would be like if Liam was my boyfriend. If this was the way we were - that couple that held each other even in the lunch line. "Hey. Can i eat lunch with you today?" he asks and I'm stunned.

Based on the way Jessica is glaring at me, I'm not the only one who is shocked by this request.

"Uhhh if you want to." I check with Laya if it is okay.

"Sure," she says, "I'm sure Mr.Hottie Mc'Hotness could benefit from being in our presence." Liam chuckles into my ear. My hairs stand on end.
"Great," he says, planting a kiss on the side of my head, "I'll go save your usual table."

"Just me or was that weird?" I hear Jessica say behind me to Joey.

"Why? You know they're best friends." Okay, I officially like Joey a little better.

"Liam's been acting weird ever since that party at Karens house. Haven't you noticed?" Jessica scowls and I dart my eyes away before she sees me looking.

"Only thing I noticed was that he hasn't hooked up with a single girl since that day. Sadie was grinding up on him half the night and he didn't once try to tap that."

"That's offensive. And derogatory. But yeah, that's what I mean. He hasn't been himself lately, and I bet you anything it has something to do with her."

Now I know sheis talking about me because I can feel her eyes staring at the back of my neck. I bet you anything she wanted me to hear that.

And she wants me to back off.

As if.

Hey everyone! I hope you liked the first chapter of See Me, and that you keep reading to find out what happens next! Follow,comment,vote, read, whatever, Thank you!

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